Chapter 36

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We have been on the road for an hour now and we decided to make a stop at a gas station cause Reiner wouldn't shut up about how he wanted to go to the bathroom so bad. As soon as we parked in the parking lot Reiner opened the door and sprinted towards the bathrooms. I also got out of the car just to breath some fresh air.

"Only one more hour." I said more to myself but Annie heard me.

"Yes, only one more hour in this car full of idiots." Honestly the only idiot in this car was Reiner, unless...wait, does Annie think I'm an idiot too?!

"Wait, does that mean I'm an idiot too?"

"Well...sometimes yes. But most of the time you're pretty smart." Well I was glad to hear that.

"You kids don't want anything from that store over there?" Annie's father asked. He was so sweet thinking of everybody.

"No I'm good, thanks." I replied politely.

"Same as Y/n." Annie said.

"Alright, then I'll be waiting in the car for everybody." He opened the car door and sat in the driver's seat.

"Y/n! I bought these jelly things you wanna try them with me?!" Reiner screamed as he stepped out of the store.

"Do you wanna poison me or something?" I joked.

"Don't be silly. Of course not I just saw that on the package it's written they're super sour and wanted to see your reaction."

"Alright. Give me one." I waited for him to put one gummy in my palm.

"No no, it won't be interesting like this. We should play never have I ever and if we did something we'll have to eat one gummy." This wasn't a bad idea, it will be fun.

"Fine, but let's play it in the car cause we gotta go." All of us got in the car and Annie's dad started driving.

"So who wants to be first?" Reiner asked.

"Reiner, is that even a question. You suggested it so you're first." Annie said, she had a point.

"Never have I ever said 'I love you' just to get laid." Neither of us ate a gummy...except for Reiner.

"Oh god Reiner that's kinda brutal. Maybe the person really loved you." I said.

" was just some chick. I bet she said I love you back just to get laid too." He shrugged eating the gummy. I watched him making funny faces, reacting to the sourness of the gummy, I gotta say it was pretty funny.

"Y/n, you're next cause you laughed at me." I rolled my eyes and thought of a good question to ask.

"Never have I ever swam naked in a pool." I know I haven't done anything like that. But once again Reiner ate a gummy.

"Reiner you're weird."

"It was a dare." He said putting his hands up in defense.

"So people watched you swimming naked in a pool?"

"No more questions Y/n." He said putting his finger on my lips to shut me up.

"Annie you're next." He continued.

"Never have I ever had a dream about someone I liked." Annie asked looking at all three of us. I shyly took a gummy and ate it, blush spreading on my cheeks.

"Okay Y/n, spill." Reiner said.

"N-no!" I protested.

"Come on." He insisted.

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