Chapter 51

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I looked in the mirror one more time, making sure that I looked presentable. I already put my make up on and I got dressed so now all I had to do was to wait for Levi...who wasn't home. He said he was gonna be back in a bit when he went out this morning but it's already been two hours and he isn't back yet.

I picked up my phone from bed and dialed his number. He answered after a few rings.

"Yes, dear?" His voice resonated through the device.

"Hey, when are you coming back? We're supposed to leave in about thirty minutes if not then we'll be late." I said, patiently waiting for an answer.

"Sorry Y/n, I still have something to finish..."

"Can't you finish it tomorrow?" I was getting worried at this point. These past few weeks he has barely been home.

"I'm afraid I can't. Why don't you call Hange and tell her to pick you up and go without me, I'll come a bit later in the evening. I'm sorry Y/n." 'Is he serious? It's his friend's wedding and he can't attend it on time because of some important task he has to do?!' I was pretty mad but I decided to keep it to myself since I knew how stubborn Levi is.

"Whatever...just please be there and don't come home at 9:00 PM like you have been for the past two weeks or so." After that I hung up no longer having the bright mood that I had when I woke up.

'Is he...cheating on me? No, he wouldn't do that.' I shook my thoughts away, not wanting to think about it. Knowing me I'll probably overthink everything and that just makes things worse.

I looked down at my phone again, this time looking for Hange's number. I put the phone up to my ear, waiting for her to pick up.

"Hey Y/n!!!" She greeted me.

"Hello Hange. Look, Levi has something to do and he's gonna arrive a bit later so would you mind giving me a ride?" I asked her politely, trying not to sound too sad. After all I didn't want to disturb everyone with my problems.

"Sure Y/n! I'll be there in twenty." She confirmed me. I thanked her and put the phone down, sighing and going to get myself a glass of water.

On the way to the kitchen, I noticed a box in the hallway and I never really wondered what's in there but now I was getting curious so I decided to open it. I looked through it and my heart melted. Inside were pictures with Levi as a kid. In some he was alone and in others he was with his mom. I laughed when I looked at a photo of his mom trying to cut his hair while he was throwing a tantrum. I flipped the picture to see if it had a date, and it did. Doing some calculations I came to the conclusion that he was about four in the picture, he had the same haircut since he was four years old...

There were other things in the box, like a teddy bear and a blanket. 'Did he used to sleep with a teddy bear when he was little? That's adorable.' A smile crawled up on my face, but soon faded, my mind coming back to reality.

I closed the box and went to the kitchen. After I drank some water, I went to open the door because I heard a knock. 'That must be Hange.' I opened the door and I was right, it was Hange. She was dressed in the dress she bought the day we went shopping together.

"Are you ready Y/n?"

"Yeah, just let me go get my purse." I quickly grabbed my purse and put my shoes on.

We both got inside the car and Hange started driving, speeding the car.

"Hange, slow down, we're not going to be late." I told her, becoming a bit worried that something might happen, after all it is dangerous to drive this fast.

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