Chapter 6

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"What are you two doing here?!!!"

I looked at Petra, confussion written all over her face. As I realized in what position Levi and I were in, I felt myself blushing. His head was on my chest and his palm was on my thigh. Soon Jean came beside Petra, his face was just as shocked. He looked at me and his face turned red. I noticed and remembered that I was in a skirt, so I quickly pushed Levi off of me and got up.

"'re that girl that Eren, Armin and Mikasa introduced me to." Jean said now more confused. "Yeah...Y/n." I replied scraching the back of my neck. I saw Levi picking up the papers scattered all over the floor, so I helped him. Once I had the papers in my hands again, Petra took me into the hallway. "Listen Y/n, I don't know what kind of relationship you have with Levi but I'm gonna tell you one thing. Stop using him to make a name for yourself." With that she turned and left. Normally such statements wouldn't hurt me but because she was accusing me of using someone, and not only someone but Levi, hurt me. I guess not everyone is gonna like me, that's just how it is. I told myself.

Soon after Jean exited the classroom and came to me. "Hey Y/n. Since you're here I might aswell take the chance to invite you to my party tomorrow. Would you want to come?" He spoke with a tint of red on his cheeks. "Sure, I would love to." Pushing all of my bad thoughts at the back of my head I responded with a happy smile. Jean nodded and walked towards the exit.

"What did Jean ask you?" Levi broke the silence as we were walking back home. "He asked me to go to his party tomorrow. And I said yes." I said putting my hands in the pockets of my jacket. "You know its gonna be a shitty party, and on top of that you're going alone." Levi stated, he had a point. But then something cliked into my head. "Who said I'm going alone. You're coming with me and that's not a question!" I heared him sigh and he pinched the brige of his nose with his fingers. "Parties are messy and I don't like them." He said with his voice low, as if he was mad or something. "Yeah you don't like parties. But I'm your friend and you care about me so you're not gonna leave me alone." I crossed my arms and stopped walking. Levi stopped aswell, looking back at me. "Tsk. Who said you're my friend." He replied waiting for me to start walking again. I opened my eyes as soon as I heared his words. "So you're saying I'm not you're friend and you see me as any other shitty person here?!" As soon as he relized what he said his eyes went wide, but he didn't speak a word. I looked at his expression for about three seconds before I ran down the sidewalk all the way to my house and didn't look back once.

"I'm home!!" I shouted once I entered the house. I left my shoes in front of the door and walked to my room. I saw Mikasa laying on the bed reading a manga called "Banana Fish". I would've asked what is it about but I wasn't in the mood. Mikasa noticed that something wasn't right so being the good person she is she asked me. "Y/n what's the matter?" I flopped down on the bed and a tear slipped down my cheek. "Levi said I'm not his friend, but all this time I thought he genuinely wanted to spend time with me." My response was muffles by the pillow as more tears escaped. Mikasa layed beside me and started rubbing my back and comforting me. I was startled when someone opened the door. "Who is crying?!" I look up to see Eren at the door frame. "Y/n what happened?" Eren said coming closer to me. I didn't speak knowing that Eren will probably go to Levi's house to start a fight and will probably fail which will cause more problems. "Noting. I'm gonna go take a shower." I said standing up from the bed and walking towards the bathroom. Eren tried to stop me but I didn't really pat attention to him.

I stepped under the warm water, thinking about today. And thinking if I should go to Jean's party or not. Not long after, I started washing myself and was done with the shower in no time. I changed in some comfy clothes and went back to my room. Mikasa was still reading her book. She noticed me entering but she didn't speak to me and I appreciated that since I wanted some time to myself. Just as I was about to go to bed I asked Mikasa. "Hey Mikasa, are you going to Jean's party tomorrow?" I heared her close her book and throwingg it on the desk. "Yeah but only because Eren is going." Her voice was tired so I assumed she's going to sleep. After some time I fell asleep aswell.

"Y/n stop!!! Don't cross the street!!!" I heared my sister shout but I didn't have enough time to process what she said because the bright lights of a car was the only thing I was able to see. I was waiting for the pain to hit me but it didn't. I opened my eyes and saw blood everywhere. My sister was on the laying on the street with a piece of glass going through her belly. The man that was driving the car was passed out. I was the only one councious and it was all my fault.

Hey guys gere is the new chapter, I hope you like it. Also I wanna mention that school will be starting very soon for me and the updates might be slower but don't worry i'll still upload.

From Lin to Reader-chan♥️

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