Chapter 33

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I slammed my hand against my alarm clock trying to stop it, but the only problem was that, it wasn't stopping. I groaned and looked at it...IT WAS 7:25!!!

"I'm gonna be late, I'm gonna be late." I muttered while getting all my things together. I quickly brushed my hair, took my bag and ran out the door as fast as I could. I looked at my phone to check the time, 7:31. Crap I'm late...well I guess I'm getting smacked on the head today. I was running a thousand miles per hour and in the distance I could see Annie waiting.

"You're late." She stated when I was close enough to her. I felt a stinging pain on the back of my neck so I brought up my hand to rub it.

"Ow!!! That hurt!" I looked at Annie who just shrugged and started walking.

"I warned you, so it's your fault." I didn't argue with her, since I knew she was right.



When we got to school Bertholdt and Reiner were waiting outside.

"You two were late." Bertholdt said.

"Yeah so I smacked her on the head for it." Annie responded.

"I figured, your neck is a bit red." Reiner pointed out.

"It is?!" I didn't think Annie hit me that hard.

"Yeah...Annie don't hit the poor girl that hard." Reiner defended me earning a glare from Annie.

"Let's go to class." She walked off leaving me, Bertholdt and Reiner behind. We quickly caught up and went to the first class. Today was a relatively easy day, I didn't have maths so that was already good.

I was writing down the notes in my copybook when Reiner caught my attention.

"Psst! Y/n!"

"Reiner, be more quiet." He was trying to whisper but it came out in his normal voice and I was worried about the teacher hearing us.

"What do you think of that guy over there?" He said still not whispering enough. I looked at the guy he pointed, he had brown hair, brown eyes. Nothing special about him.

"Don't like him."

"What about that guy?" Reiner pointed his finger at another guy.

"Reiner, stop! I'm not gonna like any of these guys." He was starting to get on my nerves.

"And why is that?" He questioned a smirk plastered on his face.

"Leave me alone." He continued giving me questions but I ignored him.


Lunch rolled around and I sat with my three friends. I opened my lunch box which had steamed vegetables and rice, it looked delicious. I was prepared to eat after I snapped my chopsticks, but Reiner interrupted me. Again.

"Y/n, I know something about you." He said in a teasing tone.

"Oh yeah? Well I wanna know too." I noticed that Annie and Bertholdt were listening too.

"You have...a boyfriend!!!" He finally said pointing at me. I looked at Annie who was shaking her head with a disappointed look on her face, and Bertholdt who just seemed confused.

"How so?" I asked Reiner.

"Well one, you didn't like any of the guys I was showing you and two, you always talk with someone on your phone. You think I don't notice, but I really do." Reiner looked proud of himself for figuring all of that out.

"Well you're right so I can't really argue."

"Wait, I am?!" All of that pride from a second ago was replaced by confusion. 

"Uh-huh." I confirmed once more.

"Do your parents know about him?"Annie asked.


Flashback to yesterday

"I have a boyfriend."

Ryan looked up from his newspaper with a raised brow.

"And who is he?" He questioned.

"A boy from the town that I lived in before I moved here." I explained.

"And why are you telling me this?" Ryan continued.

"Well just because you know...I thought you guys needed to know. And also because I miss him and I've been wanting to visit him for a while."

"So you're asking me if you can go back and visit your so called boyfriend." Ryan rephrased what I said.

"That's about right." He looked at me skeptical before speaking.

"No." He simply said.

"What?" Did I hear that right? Did he say no?

"You heard me. You can't visit him." Was he serious right now?!

"And why is that?" I needed to know his reason.

"You moved here, so you basically started a new chapter of your life that's why you should leave whatever was in the last chapter behind." 'Bullshit.'

"You don't even know him, how can you say I should leave him behind?!"

"Y/n, I'm the adult here so you need to listen to me. You're just a teenager, you don't know anything yet." I stormed off after he finished his sentence. I didn't have the energy to argue with him.

End of flashback

"And what did they say?" Reiner asked.

"They said I should leave him behind and I can't visit him." I said in one breath before shoving rice in my mouth.

"Sounds like your parents are assholes." Bertholdt kicked Reiner under the table.

"Reiner, that's rude! You're no better!" He said.

"But I'm right!" Reiner argued.

"Bertholdt, this time Reiner is right." I totally agreed with Reiner on this one.

"You said you wanted to visit him?"Annie asked.

"Yes." What was she getting at?

"And they won't let you visit him." She added.


"We'll help you sneak out and visit him then." My eyes widened. And how was she gonna do that?

"You realize he's two hours away?"

"That's not a problem. I said we'll help you. Right Reiner, right Bert?"

"What? I mean yeah...of course." They were going to help me sneak out and visit Levi. That sounds intriguing.

"When?" I asked.

"Friday night. Get ready until then, you have one day."


'This is a recipe for disaster, but I'm totally doing it.'

Hello guys, here is the new chapter, I hope you enjoyed it. I'll see you next time, stay safe and happy, byee!!!

From Lin to reader-chan♥️

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