Chapter 50

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"You want me to...move in with you?" I asked Levi for a confirmation. I wasn't gonna say no of course's all just moving so fast.

"Yes." He said, sitting comfortably on the couch, looking at the TV.

"O-okay. T-then let's go and get my stuff." 'Why the hell am I stuttering?!'

"Are you that excited that you're stuttering? It's pretty cute." Well yeah, it is pretty cute when you're not the one that's stuttering. "I suggest we go and get your stuff tomorrow. It's late so go to sleep, I'll be coming in a bit." Levi was right. It was late and I have classes tomorrow.

I yawned while walking lazily towards the bedroom. I wonder why he said he'll be coming in a bit. It's not like he has something to do, I mean he shouldn't have. It's a Sunday night after all.

Levi pov

'Okay, first step, done. Now how do I get in touch with her parents?' I thought as I turned off the TV, going to the kitchen counter and leaning against it. Y/n never introduced me to her parents but maybe I can get her to...somehow.

I looked at the clock on the wall to check the time. 10:00 PM. 'It's not too late, I can still call her.' I took my phone from my back pocket and looked for the number I needed. I put the device up to my ear after dialing the phone number.

"Hey Levi." The woman on the other end greeted.

"Hello mother."

"Did something happen? You don't call often these days." She said trying to get to the point. It was true that I didn't call her too much. Only when it was needed.

"Oh yeah, I was just wondering...can me and Y/n come for dinner tomorrow?" There was a short pause before she started talking.

"You two are back together?" She said that sentence like she was expecting it.


"Of course you can, you're welcome any time." My mom continued. I was grateful that I was welcomed in that house anytime. I don't visit often so it's nice to know that if I want to, I can go and relive my teenage years a little bit.

"Alright, thanks. I'll se you tomorrow then." I said, wanting to end this conversation so I could go to bed.

"Bye, see you!" She hung up after she said her goodbyes.

I sighed, walking to the bedroom. 'I hope this isn't gonna turn out to be a mess.'

I entered the bedroom and saw Y/n already asleep. She's such an angel when she sleeps, she's just perfect. I kissed her forehead, careful not to wake her up, then I got into bed next to her.

"Sweet dreams." I said, even though she couldn't hear me.


Y/n pov

"Is this everything you have?" Levi asked me, while putting a few cardboard boxes in the trunk. I still can't believe I'm moving in with Levi, I'm so happy. I honestly thought I was gonna live alone my whole life but here I am, moving in with the sweetest man possible.

"Yep." I said popping the p. He nodded, going to the driver's seat and getting in the car. I got in as well, putting my seatbelt and waiting for Levi to start driving.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that today we will go to my mom's place for dinner." He casually said. I remember Kuchel to be really nice so hopefully she hasn't changed.

"Okay! What should I wear?" I felt like a teenager meeting my boyfriend's parents for the first time. Asking what should I wear and stuff...

"Anything you want. My mom's not gonna care, she already knows you're an amazing person." He said looking at the road in front of him.

"Okay! Oh I should probably introduce you to my parents as well." I said searching for my phone. Levi perked up at my sentence like he was hoping I would say that.

"You probably should."

I pressed on my mom's contact name, putting the phone to my ear and waiting for her to answer.

"Hi Y/n!" She picked up after a few seconds.

"Hi!!! I have important news to tell you!" I said getting straight to the point, not wasting any time.

"Okay...tell me!" She asked me to continue.

"I have a boyfriend! And you can't meet him in person, for obvious reasons but he can talk to you on the phone." I explained, waiting for my mom to say something.

"That's wonderful Y/n. But at least tell me the boy's name before letting me speak with him." I giggled, amused at the fact that I completely forgot to tell my mom how to address this special person.

"Levi." I heard my mom hum in response so I put the phone on speaker and let Levi speak with her.

"Hello ms. L/n, I'm quite disappointed that I can't meet you in person but this is the only way we can communicate right now." My mom chuckled, her laugh being heard not only by Levi but by me also.

"That's alright. Well I'm glad that I can at least hear your voice."

My mom and Levi talked the whole ride home, most of their conversation was my mother asking him questions about what he does and just basic stuff to get to know him. They seemed to get along well and I was glad. My mom said that she'll tell dad and that we don't have to bother him with phone calls since he already has a tone.

Levi pov

'Step two, done. Now everything I need to do is wait...just be patient.'

Time skip to dinner

Y/n and my mom seemed to get along well, just like three years ago when they first met, they instantly clicked with each other. They were telling jokes, discussing and overall just enjoying the time they spent with each other.

"Oh Y/n, I wanted to ask...have you and know...had sex." As soon as my mom asked that Y/n started choking on her water. An expected reaction from her.

"W-what?!" Y/n seemed to be very surprised at this question, and honestly I was too.

"Mother, why would you ask something like that?" I asked, wanting to know the reason behind her question.

"I just wanted to know if I'll be an aunt soon..." She said, now playing with her food like a literal child.

"Tch...we haven't." I simply said trying to ease the awkward tension which was slowly growing.

I looked over at Y/n and noticed she was red like a tomato and decided to tease her a little bit, to have a little fun.

"But we should." I winked at her. Her mouth fell agape. I guess she wasn't expecting me to say that.

"S-stop it!"

My mom and I chuckled at her childish behavior. 'She's adorable.'

Time skip (July 8th) Y/n pov

I can't believe that Armin and Annie are getting married tomorrow. And it's even more surreal to think that I'm attending the wedding. I can't help but think about mine and Levi's future. I would like to marry him one day...and hopefully he wants to marry me too. We've gotten a lot closer since I moved in with him. I guess that was expected considering that we're seeing each other every minute of the day.

I noticed that lately he has been busier but that's just because he has a lot of projects to do and that's why he's spending most of his time at the library.

Today was one of those days, he called me and told me to go to sleep and to not wait for him since he's gonna be out till later. And that's exactly what I'm doing. Laying in bed, trying to fall asleep, and I probably should sleep since tomorrow is gonna be a tiring day.

"Goodnight Levi." I muttered to myself, being used to saying those words before falling asleep.

Hello guys, here is the new chapter. I hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you next time. Bye!!!

From Lin to reader-chan♥️

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