Chapter 4

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"Y/n do you have a steamed potato for lunch today?" Sasha says looking at me. I nod and give her one of my potatoes since I had two. We were at school and it was currently lunch. Armin, Mikasa, Sasha, Eren and I were sitting in the cafeteria at a table. Everybody was eating in silence but suddenly Sasha yells. "Connie, come here. These are my new friends!!" As she said that I saw a boy that had very short hair. He found us quickly and sat at the table. "Hello, I'm Connie. Nice to meet you all." I smile at him and swallow the food I had in my mouth. "I'm Y/n. And I'm new here. It's a pleasure to meet you." Armin, Eren and Mikasa didn't introduce themselves and I'm guessing it was because they already knew each other.

The lunch was finally over and now I had biology with Levi. I walked into the classroom and sat at the back of the class next to him. I waved at him with a big smile on my face. He glanced at me and nodded. I noticed a girl sitting next to me. She was staring at me with her hazel eyes. I turned to face her and introduced myself. "Hi I'm Y/n!" She looked at me for a few seconds but smiled after. "Nice to meet you. I'm Petra." I gave her a smile one more time and then class started.

Biology went by quickly and so did all of the other lessons. It was time to go home. I waited outside for Armin, Eren and Mikasa. As I was waiting for them I saw Levi exit the school. I walked over to him and smiled. "Why are you smiling brat?" He asked annoyed. "I'm just grateful that you're helping me with math." I said still smiling. He looked at me and clicked his tongue. "Yeah, whatever brat. I don't care I just want to make sure you don't fail." He said, looking at me with his steel grey eyes. " do care? If you want me to pass math that means you care." I said a letting out a chuckle. "Brat, shut up before I change my mind and don't help you at all." He said looking away from me and running a hand through his hair. "Yeah, yeah ok. Whatever you say shorty." I said laughing. But when I saw his angry expression I regretted calling him shorty. "What did you just call me?!" He said looking at me this time with anger. "I'm sorry Levi. I didn't mean it. I was just joking." I said looking down and hoping that he would forgive me. "Tsk. Think before you speak brat." With that he walked away.

Once I got home I went to take a shower. It was now 4 P.M. which meant I had an hour and a half before I need to go to Levi's house. After I showered I went into my room to change. Mikasa was sitting on the bed watching something on TV. I changed into some jeans and a (f/color) hoodie. "Are you going somewhere Y/n?" Mikasa asked me looking away from the TV. "Yeah I'm going to Levi's house. He's gonna help me with math." I said while puting my phone in my pocket. "You know you could've asked me or Armin to help you right?" Mikasa said looking back at the TV. "Its ok Mikasa. I don't mind Levi helping me." I responded to Mikasa while putting my hand on the door knob. Mikasa nodded and didn't say anything after that.

It was now 5:25 pm and I went to the front door to put my shoes on. Mrs. Carla noticed me. "Where are you going Y/n?" She asked with a bowl of salad in her hands. "I'm going to the neighbour next door. He's in my class and will help me with math." I said while grabbing my math text book along with my pencil case. "Ah. I see you met Mr. Ackerman. Well have fun." Said Mrs. Carla while waving and winking at me. I sighed and opened the door.

I knocked at Levi's door. Not long after he opened it for me. "Hi!" I said smiling at him with the text book and notebook in my hand. He opened the door a bit more so I could enter his house. It was very clean, the furniture looked new and there wasn't dust anywhere. "You can sit on the couch while I make some tea." He said grabbing the textbook and notebook from my hands and placing them on the coffee table. I walked to his couch and sat down while waiting for him to come back. Eventually he came with two mugs in his hands. He handed one to me while placing his on the coffee table. "Okay so what do you wanna start with?" He asked while taking a sip of his balck tea. "Whatever you say. You're the teacher now." I said looking at my math textbook. He sighed and grabbed the textbook from the coffee table and opened it, looking at the pages. "How about we do our math homework together and I'll explain while you do it." He said while grabbing a pen and a notebook and writing the date in the corner of the page. "Yup that sounds good." I said while doing the same.

About thirty minutes had passed and I already finished my math homework. Levi was explaining to me other exercise that we did in class. Suddenly there's a knock at the door. Levi sighs and goes to see who it is. I can't see who it is but I heared Levi talking with someone. Perhaps a female. "Shitty-glasses I'm busy now." I slightly chuckle at the nickname he used. "But shortyyy!" I heared the girl whining. I had a surprised look on my face with how she was able to get away with calling Levi shorty. I finally decided to get up and go to the door and meet the person. I walked to the front door and saw a girl with a messy pony tail and weird glasses. She looked at me and grinned. "Are you shorty's girlfriend?" She asked still grinning. I slightly blush at her words. "N-no, we're just friends." I said looking down and stuttering a bit. "Well I ship it! I'm Hange by the way." She said smiling at me. I smiled back and introduced myself. "I'm Y/n, nice to meet you." Levi looked annoyed, but didn't interupt our conversation. "Y/n is a very pretty name." Hange said while entering the house. I wanted to say "thanks" but Levi spoke. "Oi shitty-glasses why did you come into my house?" He looked at her while she was making herself comfortable on the couch. "Because I missed you shorty." She said while taking a sip of his tea. "Oi that's my tea!" Levi said while walking to the couch and snatching the cup from Hange's hand. "Were you two making out and I interupted it?" She asked smiling. I turn bright red and stay silent. "Tsk. No shitty-glasses. I was helping her woth math." Levi responded while making himself another cup of tea.

We ended up talking with Hange and didn't continue with math. I didn't mind though. It was already 8:00 pm and it was time for me to go home. I said my goodbyes and walked out the door. Once I entered my room I noticed Mikasa already sleeping so I stayed quiet and looked at memes until I fel asleep.


Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I really liked writing it, I especially liked writing Hange's lines. I just love her personality. Anyways hope you enjoyed, see you next time.

From Lin to reader-chan♥️

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