Chapter 43

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I was waiting behind the stage waiting for my name to be called. Today I graduated high school and I couldn't be more relieved. I have been waiting for this moment since I was sixteen and here I was, now eighteen years old, dressed in an academic dress nervous to go on the stage to get my diploma.

"Y/n L/n, a student with exceptional grades who we are proud to have in this school." The principal spoke into the microphone.

I tried to hold my head high but oh boy was it hard. My legs were trembling as I was walking down the stage, everybody was looking at me. I couldn't hear the claps that came from the students, only my shoes hitting against the wooden stage. I reached the principal and he reached his hand out for me to shake, I shook it a bit nervously as he handed me my diploma. I turned to the spectators and bowed a little before going off stage and to my parents.

I spotted my mother with a camera in her hand that she used for recording.

"Sweetie, you did great!" She hugged me tightly trying to spin me around.

"Thanks mom, did you notice that I was nervous." I asked wanting to know.

"I did! But that's only because I'm your mother and I know you too well." She gave me a closed eyed smile guiding me to the seats. I sat in silence watching the rest of the ceremony and I knew it was about to end when the valedictorian came on stage to give his speech. It was kind of funny how the principal had asked me if I agreed to be the valedictorian but I refused. I was way to shy for that, I couldn't even hold a proper conversation with one person, let alone speak in front of the whole school.

I threw my graduate cap in the air, smiling like an idiot.

'A new start...' The words repeated in my head like a prayer.


Nervousness rushed through my body as I glanced at my university campus. I didn't think I would be here so soon, time flew by so fast I didn't even notice. This was one of the few universities that gave you a room all to yourself, and don't get me wrong, it wasn't a fancy room it had just a bed, one nightstand, a closet and a desk. If you wanted to go to the bathroom or to the kitchen you needed to exit your comfort zone and go outside your room, but that didn't bother me too much.

On top of getting comfortable here I had other things to worry about, like how to maintain myself. I'm here on a scholarship so my parents aren't paying but I still need money for food, clothes and just basic necessities, so I was searching for a job. I applied to a few in advance, to a bookstore, a diner and another coffeeshop but I didn't get any of those.

Putting all those thoughts away, I started moving forward. I pushed open the big doors and went to the reception desk. I got my time table, and the key to my dorm.

I had no luck today since I was put in a room that was on the third floor and there was no elevator, so dragging the heavy suitcase behind me I managed to make it up to my room alive.

I put the key through the keyhole, and turned it and when I heard a click I pushed it open and viewed my room which I was gonna live in for the next three years.

I neatly arranged my clothes into my closet and put my phone charger and phone on the nightstand. I sighed heavily, throwing myself on the bed. As much as I wanted to just fall asleep I knew I needed to change so I did that. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and came back not wasting one more second, getting in bed and closing my eyes, relaxing my body, letting my brain do the rest.


I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm. Opening one eye I turned it off and slowly sat up. I turned on the light, waiting a few minutes for my eyes to adjust to the brightness. Still high on sleep, I walked towards the bathroom and did my morning routine. I wasn't hungry yet so there was no point in going to the kitchen to make breakfast.

I picked up my bag with the necessary books and walked towards my first class. I got there and I stopped for a second to look at it, there were a few students, but more should be coming soon considering it was only fifteen minutes until class started. This one was way bigger than any classroom at school.

I gulped moving forward, looking at the ground. There wasn't a desk for one person, that meant that no matter where you sat you will have a desk mate. I walked to the back sitting at one of the desks silently observing everyone. As I expected more students entered and more noise was made. They were chatting, and there were two types of people. The ones who didn't know anybody but chatted anyway to make friends and the ones who already knew each other. I was in the first category, but the only difference was that I didn't try to chat with someone.

"Hey, you're pretty cute. Mind if I sit here?" My silence was interrupted by someone and by the sound of their voice I guessed it was a boy.

"N-no, not at all. Y-you can sit here." I responded without turning to look at his face.

"Great!" He slumped down in the chair turning to look at my face.

"Come on, look at me! I wanna know how my desk mate looks like." 'Why is his voice so familiar.' I flinched when I felt a hand on my shoulder making me look at him.

'Oh...that's why his voice is so familiar.'

Hello guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and as you have noticed it ended on a cliffhanger, but don't worry, you don't have to wait too long for the next chapter, so I guess I'll see you next time, bye!

From Lin to reader-chan♥️

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