Chapter 35

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It was now Friday and I just came home from school. Today at 5:00 PM I am supposed to go to Annie's house to go on our trip. Reiner and Bertholdt are also coming so it's gonna be fun. I have about 3 hours until then so maybe I should tell Levi that I'm coming, or I could surprise him. Yes, that would be better, I'm gonna surprise him. I probably won't see him tonight anyway, because first I'll stop by Carla's and Grisha's house and on Saturday morning I'll go and see Levi. I hope he'll be happy to see me.

I looked in my backpack one more time checking if I had everything I needed. Just like Annie told me I brought some extra clothes.

"Y/n! Come here for a second." Grace called me from downstairs. With a sigh I got up from my bed and went to see what she wanted.


"We're going to Marco's tonight. You can come with us if you want." Her smile almost made me sick. I just couldn't stand seeing her face.

"No, I wanted to go to a friend's house over the weekend."

"A friend's house? Would you mind telling me who is this friend of yours?" God, why do I have to tell her everything, when I was staying with Carla and Grisha I had much more freedom. It's like I'm in a jail honestly.

"Just a girl from school." I waved my hand saying it was nothing too important.

"But you can meet Marco's parents. Don't you want to?" Of course I didn't want to it would be awkward and plus I already told her I have a boyfriend isn't that enough to calm her down?

"I actually don't intend on meeting Marco's parents. I never wanted to meet Marco in the first place but you guys kinda forced me to." I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Y/n, how can you say that?! We only want what's best for you and we wanted you to have a friend, can you be at least a little grateful?!" She said pointing her finger towards me.

"I didn't ask you to get me a friend so don't make it seem like I'm ungrateful. I'm old enough to choose the people I wanna hang out with."

"You know what? You're not going anywhere tonight. You're staying right here in this house and you'll clean it until we get back." Oh so now I was grounded. Yeah like that's gonna stop me from going. It actually makes things easier for me.

"That's fine with me." I shrugged and walked away. I think Grace was expecting me to apologize based on the expression she had on her face but I had nothing to apologize for. If anything she should be the one apologizing not me.

I flopped in my bed tired of everything that's been going on in this house. All I ever hear is yelling and scolding. I heard a faint knock on my door. 'What did she want now?' I got up and opened it to see Ryan. 'Don't tell me she  told Ryan to come here and scold me some more.'

"Yes?" I asked, tapping my foot against the wooden floor.

"Y/n, can I talk with you for a bit?" He wouldn't go if I said no so what's the point in asking.

"Sure." I stepped aside a bit. He came into my room and I closed the door behind him.

"Y/n, can you tell me exactly why do you hate us."
"I don't hate you two, I just don't see the point of having respect for you two."

"That's basically the same thing." He sighed and took a breath before continuing what he had to say.

"I just...want to know what I did wrong or what Grace did wrong." Am I supposed to feel bad for them, what's this show they're putting on.

"Well for starters, I feel like I'm in a jail. You guys don't want to listen to me and don't respect my decisions, it's like I'm in the army or something." 

"Okay...what else." He told me to continue.

"You guys took me away from the people I got attached to and you always make it seem like they didn't ever exist but you just don't understand that it is impossible to forget people who did something for you."  I let him know everything I had on my mind.

"And do you think being disrespectful towards us is gonna makes things better?"

"No it's not gonna make anything better."

"Then why the hell are you like this." I could see Ryan was getting frustrated.

"Because you both make it very difficult for me to respect you. I just don't want anything to do with you or Grace." He slammed his hand against his knee startling me.

"Grace was right, you're just a spoiled kid. You're not going anywhere tonight, stay here and clean this house. It better be spotless when we come back." He then proceeded to slam the door to my room and go downstairs. After some minutes they both left and I had the house to myself. Well not for long cause I'm supposed to go to Annie's in thirty minutes. The least I could do before disappearing for two days was clean this house. I got used to cleaning since Levi liked it a lot. I went downstairs and got the cleaning supplies that were placed below the sink.


The house was now spotless as Ryan had requested. 'I guess it's time for me to go.' I went back up to my room to get my backpack. I slung one of the straps around my shoulder and got out of the house.

I waved my hand, greeting Reiner and Bertholdt who were standing in front of Annie's house.

"Is Annie ready?" I asked.

"Yep, we should go in a minute or so." I was so excited, I'll finally get to see the people I missed so much over these past two months that I've been here.

Annie exited her house and beside her was an older man.

"Y/n, this is my father, he'll be taking us there and we'll be staying at one of his friends' house." She explained opening the door to the car.

"Oh nice to meet you Mr. Leonhart." I bowed politely.

"Same kid, just get in the car so we won't get there too late." I got in the back seat sitting between Annie and Reiner, Bertholdt was sitting in the passenger seat beside Annie's dad.

"Put your seatbelts on." He said before he started driving.

"Y/n, did you tell your boyfriend that you're coming." Annie asked.

"No, I want to surprise him."

"Okay then." She said before turning away to look out the window. In no time I got lost in my own thoughts not paying attention to anything else.

'Levi will be so happy!' 

Hey guys, here is the new chapter, I hope you enjoyed and until next time, bye!

From Lin to reader-chan♥️

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