Chapter 37

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I was sitting at the table eating dinner with the family I loved the most.

"So Y/n, have you made some friends while you were there?" Carla asked.

"Oh yeah, I'm gonna call them tomorrow and see if I can introduce them. They're pretty nice." I answered honestly.  Carla nodded and continued eating. I looked at every person in the room noticing something about Eren.

"Eren, has your hair gotten longer?"

"Oh yeah, I just forgot to cut it but I actually like the long hair so I'm growing it out."

We continued to eat in silence until we were done.

"Thank you for the food." I got up from the table and went to the room I used to stay in.

"How has this room been without me here?" I asked Mikasa as she closed the door following behind me.

"It felt lonely." I pouted giving her a hug. I hope she didn't cry after I left. It would hurt to know the people I loved cried because of me. A soft knock on the door was heard.

"Yes?" The door opened, Eren entering the room.

"Can I sit here with you guys?" He asked sitting on the floor.

"Of course you can!"

"So Y/n, have you talked to any other guys while you were gone?" He suddenly asked.

"Well...I mean yes. But why do you ask?"

"Oh well, one morning Levi came here furious and said that some other guy was trying to get you or something." He said scratching the back of his neck.

"Wha- oh, you're talking about Marco." I finally remembered when I told Levi that Grace and Ryan were trying to get me to like Marco, he was pretty angry.

"Who's Marco?" Mikasa asked.

"Just some boy. It doesn't matter." I said waving my hand in front of their faces.

"Speaking about Levi, when are you going to see him?" Eren spoke.

"I was thinking in the morning when he's still asleep so I could surprise him." I said looking up making a thinking expression.

"Alright then we better go to sleep." Mikasa suggested and I yawned. I was pretty tired considering I have been on the road for so long.

"But I wanted to talk some more." Eren whined. I kinda missed his whining.

"Eren, Y/n is tired so we're going to sleep. You can talk to her tomorrow." Mikasa pushed Eren out of the room and closed the door. She took her shirt off to change into pajamas and I subconsciously looked at her abs. 'Damn...I wish I had those.'

"Y/n, don't look at me while I'm changing, it's weird." She said with her usual bored tone.

"Right. Sorry I'm weird."

"Don't apologize, I'm not perfect either." I furrowed my eyebrows at her comment.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean...even if I feel every emotion I can not display it. People call me heartless which is not the case. I just don't understand how to show what I feel." Poor Mikasa, I understand her completely even if I don't have the same problem as her.

"It's ok, you're perfect just like this. With the bored expression on your face 24/7." I assured her.

"Thank you Y/n. Goodnight."

"Goodnight." I closed my eyes, falling asleep in an instant.


My eyes fluttered open and the sun blinded me. 'We forgot to close the curtains. Damn it.' I groaned and got up to close the curtains, but once I was on my feet I figured it was better if I just woke up. I do need to visit Levi early in the morning after all. I looked at the alarm clock that was sitting on the nightstand. It was 7:30 AM. I told Carla and Grisha yesterday that I'll be going out early in the morning so they won't be worried. Careful to not wake anyone up I got dressed for the day and went downstairs to put my shoes on. After I got outside I quietly closed the door behind me and started walking towards Levi's house. Once I reached his door I softly knocked on it.  'Now I just have to pray that Kuchel will answer it.' And to my surprise, my wish was heard by the Gods and Kuchel answered the door in a bath robe, with messy hair and a coffee mug in her hand. She eyed me before it clicked into her mind.

"Oh my- come here sweetheart!" She hugged me tightly pulling me inside the house and closing the door.

"I haven't seen you in so long. Why are you here so early?" She asked.

"I came to surprise Levi, is he by any chance still sleeping?"

"I think so. You can go check on him." She said pointing her thumb towards his door. I nodded and tiptoed to his room careful not to wake him. I quietly opened the door and melted at the sight.

He was still sleeping, tangled in blankets, with a bit of his jet black hair covering his eye. I walked up to the other side of his bed and laid beside him wrapping my arms around his waist. He started shifting and soon turned to face him. I smile as his eyes flutter open. I missed those grey eyes so much.

"Well this is a nice dream." He mumbled, hugging me tighter.

"It's not a dream, silly." I chuckled.

"My own brain can't fool me. I know
Y/n moved nearly three months ago." He said still high on sleep.

"Well I came to visit." I pecked his lips hoping he would understand what was actually going on.

"See, I'm real. I kissed you." He opened his eyes once again, and looked at me. Suddenly he booped me on the nose. I looked at him confused, his eyes widened slightly before coming to a realization.

"Y/n!" He kissed me on the lips and hugged me.

"Hey." I told him chuckling. 'I'm glad he's happy I came.'

'I missed you so much you don't even know."

"'re choking me." I said trying to breathe.

"Sorry..." Levi let go of me and sat up.

"It's okay!" I smiled at him getting up as well.

I wanted to go out of his room so he could change and get ready for the day but Levi pushed me back down on the bed smashing his lips on mine. The kiss got more heated and I knew where this was going.

"'s morning and you just woke up." I pushed him off of me and got up once again. He pouted but listened to me and started getting ready for the day.

'This'll be so much fun!'

Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.  As you can see Y/n is finally back and most importantly she's happy, so that's good right? Anyways I'll see you next time, bye!

From Lin to reader-chan♥️

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