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It was now Friday and Arabella would be leaving in a few hours. She tried her best to convince Vienna to go with her but she always refused. Vienna thought about it a lot. Debating on whether to go or not.

But what if she did? And she saw him? Then she remembered that she doesn't even know what area of London he lives in. But what if you happen to run into him again?

"C'mon V. Just go with us. It'll be so much fun and you might find that guy."

It took her a while but she finally gave in, "Fine."

Arabella squealed in excitement and started helping Vienna pack for the weekend.

It was time to leave now and they made their way to the train. She was so nervous. What if i do see him? "Hey let's sit here" she agreed and sat next to Arabella. It was a tiring day and she spent most of the ride asleep. When she woke people were already getting off.

Once they were on the cold streets of London, Arabella took her arm and walked her to where they'd stay. They arrived at Arabella's friend's house that had a few extra rooms.

Once they were settled in they decided to go out.

~time skip to sunday~

They spent the whole trip out and about but she never once saw Wilbur. Most of the trip she spent slumped. She didn't know why she wanted to see him so bad, she just did. She was drawn to him.

"Let's go, our train is about to leave."

They rushed on and took a seat toward the back. Vienna leaned her head again the window and stared outside. Arabella noticed how disappointed she seemed.

"Hey, I've been meaning to ask you something"

"What's up?" her eyes never leaving the outside.

"Well i've been thinking for a while and I thought it'd be cool if we maybe moved in together...?

Vienna's eyes widened. She slowly moved her head from the window and stared at Arabella.

"Are you being serious right now?"



"Ok good because i already found an apartment"


"yeah i knew you'd say yes. who could resist me."

"You know me so well"

"I know, and we're moving in next week."

"Wait... that's not enough time for me to pack all my things."

"Yes it is, cause i'll be there to help you."

"I literally love you."

"Love you too V."

authors note:
This took longer than I thought to write mostly because I haven't had the motivation or time to but i've had this idea in my head for a while now LOL. i'll try to update again tomorrow but hope y'all have a good night/morning/afternoon??
- quackity's stream rn is so chaotic tho i plan on not sleeping for a while

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