𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐰𝗼

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wilbur woke up around 11 this morning. it was earlier than usual and he didn't wanna to be awake, but he couldn't fall back asleep. he reluctantly grabbed his phone from next to him and checked his notifications.

that's when he realized he had to play among us in an hour, great. he would've completely forgot about it if niki hadn't texted him. the next hour was spent on his phone and laying comfortable in his bed. it was finally time to play and so he got out of bed, much to his dismay, and booted up his pc.

he was kind of excited to play. the lobby was full of people he's played with before, people from the smp he wasn't very close with, and someone new. no one in the lobby really knew who she was, just that she went by bella.

ˑ ꩜ ::✧ ・゚゚・*:༅。.

since sam had asked arabella to join the lobby today, they've grown quite close. it started with simple dms on twitter, to imessages, and then to discord where they'd call every so often.

sam had met vienna during one of their calls when she walked into arabella's room, completely unaware that she was in a call. she was nervous and anxious at first, but he seemed like a sweet guy and even befriended him in the end.

she booted up her pc and started her stream. "alright chat, today we're playing among us with... sam! there are some other people but i'm not exactly sure who it is so let's find out together."

she joined the server that sam invited her to and quickly joined the call. she hear an abundance of noise as she joined, causing her to wince.

it wasn't til she joined the lobby that she was able to see who was playing. there was obviously sam, but also niki, wilbur, tommy, tubbo, fundy, ponk, ant, and bad. it was a peculiar group but she didn't question it.

once sam realized she was in, he cleared his throat and welcomed her in. "bella! hi, welcome." everyone stopped talking, making her even more nervous, "hi?"

once again, everyone started talking all at once. saying hello and asking if she was american. "actually, i'm french but i live around London." tommy spoke next, she only knew that because his icon lit up on discord, "she's not american! can we get some pogs in chat for that?"

author's note
user change, was anniieclt but i might go back eventually! (the l is a capital i)
also thank you for 16k reads!! i appreciate it more than you know <3 next chapter should hopefully be up by tonight :)

𝐕𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐍𝐀 - wilbursoot Where stories live. Discover now