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over the past eight months wilbur wrote songs, he thought out ideas for his streams, and sorted out what it was he felt for vienna. and now, he was ready to come home.

however, there was one place he needed to stop by before he went back to london, alfriston. his comfort, where she lived.

as he arrived at her door, he prepared himself. a box with the souvenirs he had collected in one hand and the other raised to the door. he knocked and knocked until finally someone came to the door.

it wasn't her. it was a man. around his age. uh oh?

"uhh does vienna live here?" he asked hopeful, but not at the same time.

"don't know a vienna, i just moved in here a couple months. sorry bout that lad."

"no worries, thank you."

he was relieved to say the least, but curious. where could she have gone? why had she left?

before heading back home, he stopped by the cafe from that morning he met her. getting a coffee and making his way to the park they spent that night at.

eventually, he finished and got back home a few hours later. it's been eight months so could be really call it home? merely a place of shelter, but not home.

he booted up his pc, preparing himself for the mass amounts of messages and calls he'd have to go through.

the first thing he did was go on discord. he didn't even read the messages but went straight to ring niki. it was the only person he could think of talking to right now.

he didn't even get a chance to hear the second ring before she answered almost immediately with "wil??" it pained him to hear her tone of worry, shock and relief all at once.

"i'm back" was all he could manage to say.

authors note
hiya! i haven't forgotten about this book, i know it's been like weeks since i've updated but things happened and i took a break from writing but i'm back now :D
also thank you for 6.8k reads <3

𝐕𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐍𝐀 - wilbursoot Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat