[]Chapter 9[]

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The sound echoed through the room. He could feel the tube going down his throat as he tried swallowing. His throat felt dry. He felt heavy. He knows exactly where he is and what exactly happened.

Allowing his body to do all the rest, his slightly parted allowing a strong ray of light to seep through making him groan slightly as it was cut off by pain from the pipe and his chest.

As his eyes opened and slowly started to adjust he could only scan the ceiling and only little views from the side out the corner of his eyes. His eyes, themselves, felt heavy but they stuck through.

He blinked a couple of times. Just listening to the sounds around him. He was alone that he could tell but there was another beeping coming from beside him that sounded a little further from him but he could still hear it. Who's heart monitor was that?

Letting his body gather as much energy as he could, he could finally turn his head sideways to find out. Face the familiar blonde hair came into view, then those facial features, next was the processing. Katsuki was here with him. Did they move them in a room together? But what happened next answered his questions.

He heard a small groan and shuffling coming from the blonde. Turning his head sideways to see what the problem was, he's green came into contact with familiar red eyes. Not fighting back the tears that blurred his vision as everything came crashing down on him.

Katsuki was awake. Katsuki was awake and he was here.

A small whimper managed to escape his lips but it was still cut off by the pipe. Katsuki's tugged into a small smile, letting a few years escape as they watched each other, seemingly processing everything.

Pain. Pain is what they've been feeling for a while now and finally having the knowledge that they would finally be able to overcome that pain and be happy with each other again once again felt relieving. The thought racked up different emotions through the pair.

Katsuki, who had just woken up to the best thing he ever, smiled. He was happy and goddamn grateful. From what Uraraka had told him this was the only thing on his mind. His Izuku never waking up. But here the greenette was, crying up a river next to him as his quiet whimpers and sobs got swallowed by the pipe.

They would push through.

Using the strength he could muster, Katsuki outstretched a hand over his bed. His long arm wanting to grasp Izuku's. He waited patiently, watching as his lover used just as much effort to reach his grasps.

When their fingers finally touched, they both felt a sense of relief. As expected, their fingers were cold and lightly pale but the little bit of warmth that you could feel flowing through confirmed it.

This was real. None of the other was either in a deep sleep from injury. This wasn't just some fucked up dream their mind was producing, no this was too real to be that. They were actually here, having this moment-together.

Katsuki giving one final push grasped and clutched Izuku's hand in his. Knowing Izuku was here calmed his heart, washing away all his worries from someone who had just woken up from his coma.

Izuku was going to leave him. Izuku was alive, the man he grew with by his side, the man he loved was alive! God, he was going to marry him!

Producing more tears, Katsuki gave Izuku's hand a gentle squeeze catching the boy's attention. "I love you.", He said, voice just above a whisper, raspy as he spoke, throat parched for he hadn't had any liquid down his throat as yet.

Izuku smiled trying to say it back but it just came out muffled as the pipe was again blocked him, causing the duo to lightly chuckle.

There was going to be no more pain. They would have to be more careful though. They couldn't risk anything like this again. Just having the other injured or in a long sleep was unbearable but not having the other by their side... Dead, that would just be cruel to the heart.

Hands linked was how the nurses found them as they had come in the room to do one of their check-ups. Linked was how their friends had found them having been called down by the nurses. They had cried their hearts, finally being able to release the tight breath they had all been holding. Their friends were going to be okay.

They would probably take a long recovery before they were back to being themselves again but they would wait. If it all meant getting their favourite duo back they would. Everything was quiet and a little dull without them for everyone. Realizing how much they had an impact on everyone's lives. The two were truly amazing.


Hope y'all are doing well!!!❤️ Thank you for reading and keeping till this far it's been an amazing journey with you all. There's only one more chapter left!! I'm low-key nervous!!



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