[]Chapter 3[]

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Izuku had had enough!

He and Kacchan's slight flirting from the week had finally caught up to him and him in the ass!

He was going home in two days so he had enough time to set things the way he wanted to with Katsuki.

He paced around the room muttering under his breath forming a plan. After pacing around for an hour and putting ideas together he finally felt contempt with his plan. He took a notebook and wrote down the steps so he could go over them after his shower.

The plan:

1. Movies
2. Dinner
3. Walk on the beach
4. Confess
5. Movies

It was simple and perfect. Now for the first part. Asking him out.

Katsuki was lying on his bed looking at the ceiling with a blank expression. He was utterly lost in life. (mood)

After flirting with Izuku the past few days he didn't know if it was signs as a I like you back or your funny type of flirting back when it came to Izuku.

'Does this mean I can ask him out. Should I ask him out. Wait but he just got out of a relationship. But he said he wasn't into it much and he flirted back with me. UGH! THIS IS SO FUCKING CONFUSING! WHY IS LOVE CONFUSING!?' He groaned as he rolled around on his bed but his depressing state was interrupted by a knock on the door.

Izuku had no fucking idea what the hell he was doing or what the hell he was going to say. He knocked on the door and opened it to see the blonde staring at him with wide eyes on his bed.

"Shower, we're going out, meet me downstairs in an hour.", he said in a montone voice trying to sound calm and collected but his face felt like a hundred degrees! He was blushing so hard he didn't know how he did not pass out from how much heat he felt on his face.

Izuku internally facepalmed and cringed at how bad he sounded. He didn't want to come out like that, he sounded so bored and so- so much like thotoroki! He quickly made his way out but smiled back at the blushing mess of the boy as he closed the door. He ran into his room and slammed the door shut, kicking himself for his stupidity as he face planted on the bed.

Katsuki doesn't know what just happened. Did his crush just ask him out? Or was this just another one of their hangouts? He needed to take a shower and change. He took a long warm shower. After that he got dressed in a pair of black jeans paired with a grey t-shirt, a red jacket and black sneakers.

Izuku showered and got dressed in a black t-shirt with blue ripped jeans and a large green flannel shirt paired with his red sneakers. (I wanted to get rid of em but they just went with the outfit so)

As they met downstairs they both stared in admiration for a minute at they others' outfit. "Uhm you look great!", Izuku spoke out first, breaking them both out of their trance.

Katsuki lightly blush and looked away. "Thanks, you too...", he said trying his best to hide his face from the other but failed miserably.

They decided to take Katsuki's parents car to get there in time for the movie. The drive was filled with comfortable silence with casual small talk here and there.

Izuku was sure that his plan was going to work, no doubt.


Izuku doesn't known how they got here. He was at a fucking party. Not only that but he was in a closet. With his EX! What the hell happened to sticking to the plan!

Let's go back to after the movie.

After the movie Izuku and Katsuki decided on going to a fast food restaurant. They ordered burgers and messed around with the occasional flirting. It was all going good until a group of people noticed them.

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