[]Chapter 1[]

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"Alright enjoy your break. Now get out of here"

That was last week. UA finally closed for a long, well-deserved break and i couldn't be more ecstatic.

I'm staying alone for the break though, my mom went on vacation. Most of my class is going to a party tonight but i didn't feel like going so I stayed in.

I was about to head out to clear my mind. I was wearing an outfit people usually never saw me wear.

As i was about to leave I got a notification from about the party

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As i was about to leave I got a notification from about the party. It was a video that was blowing up. The video showed a boy making out with two other people. I looked closer at the people and I dropped my phone in shock. I quickly picked it up and continued watching. Another girl came up and threw water on all of them. I thank the heavens that Uraraka was the one who threw the water. The video ended and i sighed. I should've seen it coming. Although the relationship on my side was kinda strained or... boring. I still cared about him. Atleast not many new about it, only a few.

I huff in frustration and get my skateboard to clear my head.

As i was opened the door, there stood the last person i expected to be on my doorstep. Staring at me wide eyed, looking at my face then my outfit then back again. His eyes piercing through me.

"De-Izuku" he said. I stood there shocked. Did i hear him right...

"Kacchan...Hi" i answered slowly.

"Hey... You look... Wow" He said utterly speechless. I chuckled nervously blushing up a storm. I muttered a small thanks nervously scratching the back of my neck.

"Hey uh... you ok?" He asked worryingly, raising his phone and shaking it. I knew what he meant by it. Huh? He knew...

I sigh heavily "Yeah... actually i was just about to head out to clear my mind.... Uh wanna come?" I nervously asked.

See the situation with Kacchan and I is kinda awkward i guess. I like Kacchan and the he likes me too but he doesn't know i know because i found out by accident while he was talking to Kirishima about it. Ever since then we've reconnected and hung out every niw and then. So it's kind of hard for me not to get nervous and flustered easily by him.

"Yeah nerd let's go"

He grabbed my arm and yanked me out of the house. We talked and joked the whole way there. It really helped keep my mind of things. I liked spending time with Kacchan, he made feel calm and he was fun once you peel off his tough exterior. We went to the arcade and got dinner afterwards. Before we headed home we walked around the park and talked alot.

"Hey Kacchan..." I stopped him as he turned to leave. "Thanks alot... for tonight." I kissed his cheek and close the door. I slowly slide down the door blushing heavily.

Katsuki stood there a million thoughts going through his head. He subconsciously raised a hand to his cheek where Izuku kissed him. 'He kissed me... He fucking kissed me! Yes fucking progress! I need to call shitty hair!' And with that he left, sprinting back home.

Izuku don't know how long he sat there smiling like a fool, screaming into my hands. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. He got up from his spot to open the door only to immediately slam it back closed.

"Izu let me explain!" The person begged.

"Sho-Todoroki there's nothing to explain just go away and don't contact me!" i shouted back.

The knocking and shouting went on for a while. I went to bed exhausted that night. Man this is going to be a long break.


A/N: anyways so...!  I know its short as hell forgive me 2nd chapter will be longer though <3
Thank ya for reading!
Katsuki: 5'8
Izuku:5'5 >it will change thats why im doing this.
I'm making the break two months long because its well deserved people. ;););)

Beware for swear badass Izzy coming next chapters.

Don't forget to vote for you favorite chapter!! <3

🥞 🥞 🥞


✨Can't stop ✨t w i n k l i n g✨

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