[]Chapter 7[]

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Sirens blaring.

That's all he could hear. His ears still had the ringing sound as he slipped in and out of consciousness. His mind racing as he could hear multiple voices around. Suddenly he was lifted up and set on something flat, wind blowing past him.

He felt some tingling as he tried lifting his fingers cording through his body. Everything hurt. He heard one last cry before his mind went black, body fell limp and his mind went blank.


He heard a faint voice call out before feeling a shock go through his chest. What the hell was that? Where is he? What are they doing to him? His heart rate increasing as he distress flowed through his mind.

He tried opening his eyes, moving anything! But his body wouldn't listen. Everything felt heavy, he felt tired.

With one last try for what felt like forever he could finally opening his eyes, groaning loudly but crack half way as some of his senses came back. Meaning he felt almost everything. His body hurt, bad. He's was screaming at him to shut his eyes from the bright light.

"Your ok! Your gonna be ok! We're going to have you fixed now. See you soon..." Someone voice rang, as they lifted his hair out of the way from his eyes.

Where was he! Why does everything hurt so bad! His mind going fuzzy as tears started slipping out his eyes. He was scared, he knew and he acknowledged it. He couldn't remember anything. And what was the pain? Was he dying...

With one last tear, his eyes feeling extremely heavy. He slipped into a black world again.

Everything was quiet.
For a while.

He felt so alone. So cold. He wished for some type of warmth to just wrap around him. Something to hold him and fill the big hole, that big void he was feeling right now.

He couldn't open his eyes. He couldn't move his body at all. But he could hear faint sounds. It felt like while before he heard something.

He could make out the squeaky sound of a door opening and shuffling, maybe a chair being scrapped across the floor. And he felt it. He felt a presence beside him. Something held his cheek and something pressed on his forehead, then cheeks and finally his hand. Then there was something else warm holding it. Finally the presence spoke.

"Hey" they said as if expectingly an answer. The voice sounded so familiar to him but he couldn't point out from where he'd heard it. Goddamn it why won't his body listen and wake up!

"I-i need you to wake uP" the voice spoke, cracking and sounding like they were on the verge of tears.

"I need you to wake for me! Please! The doctors said you were in a coma from all the stress caused on your brain a-and I just please I can't- i-i don't know what to do!" The voice cried out. Somehow it hurt him to hear that voice sound so heartbroken, he wanted to reach out to it and comfort it in whatever way he could. But still, he didn't move.

It went quiet as the person didn't speak but he could hear the quiet sobs they were letting out, trying to keep it all in. Sobs, whimpers and sniffs filled the room that was once quiet. When the sobbing silenced for a while he thought the person might've left or fallen asleep.

"It's funny right? You were the reckless one this time. You might not even hear me but to the question you would've asked...Yes...I found it when they brought your stuff.", the voice said, sounding a little less sad and more lightened up as he could hear small sniffs from them every now and then.

"You know, this kinda reminds me of that one time in 3rd year when Denki used his quirk and he went stupid. Ha- he stuck his hands in the water and we were the only ones in the pool. Yeah we got stuck in bed for a week. Pfft-! Your hair looked so funny!" They laughed. The laugh sounded so beautiful and reassuring. It almost made all his worries flow away.

In the background he could hear other voices but they sounded far away then this one, way further. The sound of beeping came to his awareness. his body still felt somewhat tingly, but it was faint.

God move! Why don't you move! He was screaming internally. He wanted to do anything atleast lift anything. He didn't want to feel so... dead.

"I have to go now. I'm not exactly suppose to be out of bed right now. I'll come back soon alright. Just please, don't leave me, wake up soon okay? You promised you'd always be by my side."

He heard the chair shuffle and something press against his forehead for a little longer before feeling something wet drop down to his face and start sliding down. The feeling quickly leaving as it was wiped away and pressing feeling against his forehead was also gone.

"I love you...Katsuki"

And he was left alone again with all his thoughts swarming through in the dark space.



I know!!

Why the hell is this so fucking short!?
I have no idea.
time IS freeeeeeing up for me and so I'm back to updating this book! They'll be more frequent atleast<3

How did this chapter feel for you!? Lemme know Wass it angsty in the least bit??? I'm trying to work on that>>

ALSO Thank you for the votes and ALSO we're almost at 3K!?!!!!? HOLY SMASH!!!
Thank you again NNNN!!! So MUCH💓


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