[]Chapter 10[]

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Two months.

It had taken then two months to make a recovery. But even then they still couldn't go to back to hero work yet, or atleast in the field. They could probably do some paperwork but even then, it had to be minimal and they would have to take it easy both mentally and physically. No stress was to be put on them.

Upon arriving out the doors of the hospital the couple was engulfed in hugs and cheers from their friends and family, some shed tears. Some of their high school teachers, like Aizawa, All Might, Present Mic, Midnight and Principal Nedzu had shown up and congratulated them and wished them a happy recovery. They'd watched all the fights including the ones that landed them in hospital and were worried sick about their former students.

The two greenettes had shed the most tears upon seeing each other.

Everything was finally going to be okay!

Their parents had driven them back to their apartment where they were immediately told to rest while Inko and Mitsuki prepared dinner with the help of Masaru.

Izuku curled into his boyfriend's side as the blonde wrapped his arms around him. Nobody said a word. Just enjoying the peaceful silence and the occasional clatter from downstairs in the kitchen but most importantly the bathed themselves in each other's warmth.

It had been so long since they felt warmth. The hospitals were always uncomfortably cold but it's not like they could complain.

"Kacchan?", Izuku said as he traced his fingers on the blonde's chest, feeling the vibration as he hummed.

"Mhm, yeah baby?", Katsuki hummed as he turned on his side to bring Izuku closer. Grunting lowly as pain shot through his back but he paid it no heed as he brought a hand up to the greenette's head of curls and started dragging his hands through the curls.

"I can't wait to marry you.", Izuku said looking up from the blonde's chest and locking eyes with those fierce red eyes his fallen in love with.

Katsuki slightly tensed and looked down surprised. He completely forgot that Izuku had said yes since he'd found the ring in his outfit that day. Speaking of the ring? Where the fuck is it?

"Katsuki? You okay?", Izuku asked, slightly worried. Did the blonde not want to marry him anymore? Was he too damaged from the injuries? Did...did he want to break up?

As if reading the worry and anxiousness from his eyes, Katsuki realized his lack of response was making the greenette worry.

"Hey, hey, don't cry.", Katsuki cooed as he started wipping the spills of tears on the greenette's cheeks which Izuku hadn't even realised he had shed. Katsuki kissed his cheek then his nose.

"I want to marry you too, Izuku. I want you by my side for the rest of my life and I want to be by yours. I want to keep waking up with you in my arms everyday of my life and hear your cute little yawns in the morning. I want to be the one to make you scream when we have se-", Katsuki was immediately shut up as Izuku clamped his hands over the blonde's mouth.
"Okay, I get it!", Izuku flushed as he averted eye contact.

Fucking cute...

Katsuki chuckled at Izuku's flustered display making the greenette giggle. The blonde leaned down and locked his lips with those beautiful plump lips.

"I love you", Izuku said as he pulled away and looked deep into those gorgeous red eyes.

"I love you too...Izuku Bakugou", Katsuki smirked as he continued to another kissed on the flustered greenette in his arms.



"Hey, Mom?", Izuku asked over dinner.

"Yes hunny?", Inko smiled as she looked up to her son.

"Do you mind walking me down the aisle?", Izuku asked laughing nervously

Inko stopped just as he fork was about to reach her lips and dropped it landing on the plate with a loud clatter as the house went dead silent. Mitsuki and Masaru both stared just as shocked at the two. Wait-

"I fucking told you!"

Katsuki looked shocked at his father. He has never heard him cuss. The man even stood up on his fucking chair! What the hell!?

"Masaru get down!", Mitsuki prompted.

"No fucking way! You two gotta pay up first. I'm too high on my horse right now.", The brown haired male said puffing his chest out.


Katsuki looked dumbfounded between his parents. Izuku was giggling at the display and turned to look at his mother who was grumbling like a five year old muttering curses under her breath. Izuku couldn't hold it in any longer a doubled over in laughter. His laugh filling through the house along with the bickering between the married couples and his mother's curses.

Katsuki was utterly lost. It's like everyone's personality did a 180. But honestly he loved it. Seeing his dad 'high on his horse' has to be some of the funniest shit his seen. Honestly, it couldn't be better.

"MISTUKI, INKO! WHERE'S MY MONEY!", Masaru bellowed. He looked dead serious at this point and Katsuki and Izuku were loving it. The two where wheezing in their chair with tears flowing happily down their faces. Izuku falling of his chair landing with a thud only causing everyone to go quiet and stare at him in silence.

Katsuki was the first to break it. Holding his hand over his mouth as chuckled slipped past them. Then he was fall on laughing. His laughter triggering everyone to chuckle and laugh. What a night.

"Masaru Bakugou if you don't get of that chair this fucking instant I'll make sure I won't ride your horse!", Mistuki declared immediately shutting everyone up. Inko was flushed as she wheezed on the floor. Izuku and Katsuki choked on air,  coughing and wheezing.

"What the fuck old hag!?", Katsuki protested between coughs. Things went south wayy to quickly, can't things get any worse than hearing your Mon talking about your fathers dick-

Suddenly the door banged open making everyone turn their heads towards the door since there was a little view of the door from the table.


"I ain't dealing with this shit anymore. Zu we're going to fucking bed!"


And that's a wrap!



And that's the end of my first book!
Eek! I'm so happy!
Thank you to all who read, commented and voted. It meant the world to me!
Make sure you check out my other books! I'm sure you're going to find one to your liking.

Bye for now!

<( ̄︶ ̄)>



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