[]Chapter 8[]

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Just as the door closed, Katsuki became incased by his thoughts. Memories flashing through him at impeccable speeds.

He remembered.

The villian attack. He was was delivering the final blow, one of the strongest he's ever let out. He was exhausted mentally and physically, to late to register part of a near by building collapsing near him. Some of the rubble struck leading him to lose his balance and fall, rolling down different piles hitting his head and unpleasant crunches sounding through him. But that wasn't the end, more rubble fell on him afterwards.

They probably had to dig him out from underneath.


He had broken an arm and had a huge gash going down his back. He felt like crying but new he couldn't. He missed him, he wanted him, he need him right now.

He doesn't know when but last he remembers was thinking of Izuku before he slipped into a slumber.

The next morning Izuku came and the next, and the day after that. Katsuki was under for so long he wasn't sure if he was ever going to wake up.

3 Months.

That's how long he was asleep for. Izuku visited him almost everyday. He told him about everything going on, how stressed he was because the Villian kept saying the number 2 hero was apparently 'dead' because he still hasn't come back yet, and thus the crime rate increased.

His fans missed him too. When the news about him being seriously injured got out people sent flowers and letters to their agency for him.

The house felt lonely without him. It was quiet, cold even. Izuku said he'd sometimes wear his clothes just to feel like he was right there with him.

The Bakusquad visited sometimes too. The group would mostly cause a racket telling stories of stupid things Denki would do or when they hung out as a group, but it wouldn't feel the same without him.

He needed to wake up. His body was starting to feel weaker, he could feel it, and quite frankly he was actually afraid of that. What if he was too weak to wake up or even function. Then- then...

No, he couldn't think like that.There was no other option. He needed to wake up.  He need to for his friends, his parents and more importantly for Izuku. There was just no way he would not marry the love of his life in this life. He was going to marry that man.

He remembers when his parents came to visit him for the first time. Mitsuki cried her heart out, even gave him a small shake. She cried, she yelled and she prayed. Masaru held her througout it all, pretty sure he almost shed more tears than his wife as he had heard him sniffle and blow his nose alot. Katsuki never felt more heart broken to hear his strong-minded, brave and confident mother break down like this.

He wanted to kick, shout, scream just anything. He wanted to be awake. He willed to be awake, he even subconsciously prayed. And hopefully his prayers would be answered.

It was on a Tuesday, It was warm and the window was open, he could feel a small breeze blowing through the room. Izuku hadn't come to visit him yet. He waited and listened to anything but nothing. He didn't come that day. Was he on a mission?

He waited for a whole week. Slowly, he started to lose hope. Did he forget him, did Izuku lose hope or got tired of waiting.

He remembers one night when the hospital sounded extremely busier than usual, It was Friday. He could hear the strollers running, nurses and doctors being paged for operations on and off. The ambulance sirens, multiple of them. What the hell happened?

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