[]Chapter 6[]

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First day back at UA school. New day and a new start.

Especially for Izuku Midoriya.

One would say that the changes the certain boy went through  was well...quite the change.


Katsuki was growing aggitated. By the end of lunch a group of girls had openly tried flirting with Izuku and he wasn't having it.

He wouldn't lie, Izuku CHANGED. It was a good change though. He embraced and was more confident about himself, Katsuki couldn't help but fall deeper in love with him for that.

Izuku wasn't the shy, stuttering mess anymore. Instead he was a cute freckled hottie with piercings- atleast that's what the other girls were whispering but Katsuki still heard it. Although he didn't appreciate people hitting on his boyfriend, he couldn't help but agree. Izuku was hot. But he wasn't going to suddenly let others say it with him there and just let it happen. Oh no honey your in for a ride.


The snap of chopsticks was heard as the bakusquad glanced at their blonde haired friend. They felt a shiver course through their bodies as they made eye contact with one another before eyeing the male once again.

What scared them definitely wasn't the menacing aura Bakugou was emitting or the dark face that he was masking. Nu-uh it was that fact that he broke the chopsticks like they were nothing.


If he did that to chopsticks then he could definitely break their bones. They all suddenly felt a wave of respect for Bakugou wash over them. They suddenly realised he was being very leniant with them if this is how he was when he was really pissed off. Right don't piss him off to the limit- got it!

Kirshima gulped as he cleared his throat, before speaking wearily.

"Bakubro? You good?", Kirishima asked.

The squad and even Kirishima facepalmed at his question. Of course no one would actually be good after witnessing that.

Katsuki grew angrier by the moment. He shakily got up his seat as he was breathing; taking deep breaths in and out, slowly controlling his rage so he couldn't lash out a rip people's faces off.

As the bell rung announcing the end off lunch everyone got up and exited the the cafeteria. On his way out Katsuki made eye contact with one person in particular as if exchanging silent messages through their eyes.

As the rest of the day went on. Everyone stayed clear from the blonde as they didn't want their faces burned off from explosions. The only person who was stupid enough to approach him was Mineta asking how it would feel if he stuck his dick in-

He never got to finish.

He EARNED a hard smack that sent some of his balls flying as he was flung to the wall and hit it with a audible crack. Was he dead? No. He just got a minor concussion and a broken wrist.

As the final bell rang, Katsuki practically flew out his seat as he stomped his was, very quickly, to his dorm.

He showered and did some homework before he heard chatter down in the common room and decided it was time.

He walked down stairs and made eye contact with the same person he did early. Only this time he walked to the person, dragging them by the arms to elevator and up to his dorm.

The class was hit with the biggest was of confusion yet. What the fuck?!

"Bakugou...a-and... Uraraka?", A voice spoke. Everyone turned their to head towards the person, shooting surprised looks. Denki. He actually said something right.

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