[]Chapter 5[]

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A party. That's where Izuku and Katsuki were. And that's where shit was about to go down.

Some dude's parents were out of town for some time so he thought, 'Why the fuck not' you know. Almost every teen's ideaology.

Anyways, they weren't the only ones at the party from UA. Suprisingly most of 1A and B came, including a lot of upperclassman and people from other schools. The house was packed. But that didn't matter. The house wasn't a house. No sweetie it was a FUCKING MANSION! Practically a castle- point is the place was huge!!!

"Deku!", Izuku looked around for the voice that called him. He looked toward a brunette that was squeezing her way through a few groups of people, he slightly grimaced at his friend, imagining how uncomfortable that might be for her.

"Hey Uraraka" He greeted when the brunette had reached them. She wore a black tight fit dress with noodle straps and a zipper infront. He's best friend looked amazing. "Dang Ura! Who'd you get all dresseed up for?" He asked with a chuckle.

Uraraka seemed to stop in thought as her face burst into flames thinking about that one face. She was so lost in thought she hadn't notice Izuku waving his hand infront of her. "Uraraka!" Izuku shouted, snapping her out of her thoughts.

"U-uh n-no one at a-all" She stuttered. Izuku and Bakugou looked at each other before smirking her way. "Surrre" They said in union.

She shook her head and decided to lead the two to where some of their class were hanging. Which was outside on the grass. They had blankets and beanbags on the floor. Oh yeah, this was going to be a fun night.

"Oi let's play a game!"

Everyone turned their heads towards the voice.'BAKUGOU!'. Everyone was hesitant to say yes. mean who wouldn't the hot-head of the class had suggested it. With dangerous smirk on his face and his boyfriend seeming giggling uncontrollably beside him. Oh yeah, this was definitely going to be fun.

"What are we playing?" Jiro asked.

"Well my dear classmates" Bakugou smirked at the class. The class staring wide eyed at the blonde. What the hell did he have in mind? That sentence alone was slowly making them want to back out of the game.

(A/N: Game 'Baby do you love me' it took me 15 minutes to find a suitable game that a lot of people haven't heard of. ehehe~! anyways! Sit in a circle and designate one person as "It." "It" picks someone in the circle, sits on his lap and says, "Baby, if you love me, smile." The other person has to respond, "I love you, baby, but I just can't smile!" If he cracks a smile when he says it, he becomes "It." If he doesn't smile, the person in the center has to pick a new lap to sit on and try again.)

"Mhm, glad you asked Earphones. It's simple really your going to play a game called 'Baby do you love me' hehe." Bakugou smirks at the group of classmates.

(After explanation caz no-)

"Denki your it!" Mina squeals as the rest chuckle.

"Baby if you love me, buy me coffee tomorrow morning cause I might need it after tonight." Denki says and smirks at a now blushing Kirishima beneath him.

"Oh? I love you too", Kirishima smirks, winking and chuckling at Denki. Now it was Denki's turn to blush as others whistled and chuckled at the pair.

Kirishima got up and sat in Momo's lap.
"Baby, if you love me, please make me a secret pair of earplugs for present mics lesson", He says.
This had people doubling over in laughter. Yeah, definitely unexpected.

It was nearly midnight when the group of high schoolers stopped playing. They had been playing different games like never have I ever and some were slightly tipsy or wasted.

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