Day Fourteen ❤

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San Francisco, California
July 7, 2012
Day Fourteen

Three Days Left... ♥


"Are you ready to go now?" Justin asked me as I was getting ready to leave the hospital. It's not that I didn't like the hospital; it's just that the hospital always gives me bad memories. Nothing good has ever happened to me in the hospital. This was my last escape from the hospital, I have three days left to enjoy the outside world and then come back; if I make it here in time. It hurts to think that in three more days, I'm going to be gone and leave those that love me. I looked over at Justin, whom had been staring at me intently for the last few minutes or so.

"Oh yeah, I'm ready." Justin took a hold of my hand and started to walk out the door. This was the last time that I would be walking hand in hand next to Justin, through the hospital doors. Next time we'd be here, but I'll be leaving and Justin will be staying, hopefully not grieving though.

As we got into Justin's car, Justin decided to ask me a question. "What's going through your head? You've been staring off into space."

I looked at him and then huffed under my breath. If I told him what was going through my head, he would probably get mad again and I didn't want that to happen. I only have three days left and I plan on spending them happily and gracefully. "I was just thinking about how much I love you, that's all." What I had said wasn't a complete lie, I was also thinking about how much I love Justin, and how much I'll miss him when I'm gone.

Justin's frown immediately turned upside down, he was showing such a genuine smile. "And how much do you love me?"

"I love you so much. From here to the sky up above, all the way to where everything ends. From here to infinity." He showed me that smile of his again and he leaned in to me. I took the next step and closed the gap that was between us. If I said that sparks flew, then I'd be lying; it was so much more than that, something explainable.

The kiss ended way too quickly for my liking but I understood, people were waiting for us at home. Once Justin started driving, I got my phone out and I went onto Twitter. I wanted to update for all my lovely followers. I wanted to tell them something meaningful.

@AddisonLylee: There's always those moments in life where your heart stops and you realize how short life is and can be taken away in an instant.

That sounded pretty meaningful to me. As my tweet got sent, you could hear a little buzzing noise coming from Justin's seat. I looked at his seat and then at him. "What was that?" I asked, curiously.

"I think I got a message, can you check it for me?" Justin started shuffling through his jeans, looking into his pockets. He finally took a hold of it and then he passed it to me. I loved the fact that Justin trusted me to look at his messages and not be worried about anything. I stuck my tongue out as I put in his password. 7194, my birthdate. He's just so sweet. I pressed on the new message and I looked at his inbox. His new message was from Twitter.

"It's a message from twitter." I said rather loudly.

"Read it to me." He told me in the nicest tone possible.

I looked at it and then understood why it had been from twitter. It was my new tweet that he had received as a text message. I giggled at that.

"Why are you giggling?" He was wondering why my sudden outburst of giggles.

"The text you got is my new tweet."

"I want to hear it, read it to me. Come on." I took a deep breath and then I started to read it to him.

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