Without thinking Karia nudged Genji as if to say "why don't you learn fire bending there!" The issue was Genji didn't exactly look like a fire bender. Xiomara raised a brow.

"So you're avatar Jian apparently" she said at Genji.

Karia noticed his forehead wrinkle deepened as it always did when he was stressed out.

"No actually, that's avatar Genji." Karia said cooly. Xiomara scoffed.

"Right, my apparent cousin and a second avatar."

It was clear that Xiomara thought they were crazy, but if they were at the wrong house, that might just be useful. She now turned to face her.

"And your name?"

"Karia". She hoped she wouldn't ask for a last name, that would be embarrassing to explain.

Finally the door opened and a boy about their age and an old man walked in. Well old in Karia's opinion, the man had to be in his early 40's at most. Now that she thought about it, late 30's. They both went to the cupboards and started to put away groceries, but Karia followed the boy she knew as San. Karia immediately recognized San as her cousin.

She thought Genji did too because they both stood up to look at him. The boy looked like his sister Xiomara, in a matter of speaking. He also had light brown hair, but it was mixed with flecks of auburn hair, just like Karia's.

"So this is your cousin?" Genji asked. It may have been the second time he had spoken the entire time they were here.

San gave Genji a quizzical look and looked over at his sister for assistance. The old man wrinkled his nose.

"What's this about a cousin?"

Karia stood up straighter and practiced her small speech she'd been waiting to say.

"Hello my name is Karia and my family and I live in the Si Wong Desert, now I know our fathers may have had a disagreement, which is why we have never met until today , but my father Arik-"

"Uncle Arik? Wait Karia?"

Karia was surprised to hear the question didn't come from the boy her age, but the old man. Karia looked back and forth between San and the old man.

"Y- You're my cousin?" She asked the old man.

The old man looked down at her.

"And you're Karia. Your parents own the Misty Palms oasis correct?"

Karia slowly nodded. Her parents were older than this man, and they had never specified how old her cousin was, just that it was a "he" and lived in Republic City. An unsettling thought occurred that she had a middle-aged cousin and "niece and nephew" around her age. Karia awkwardly approached for a hug and the short old man reluctantly patted her back. Genji, San, and Xiomara all stood in the back corner watching the awkward display. Genji loomed over San and Xiomara with his awkward tall height.

Karia's cousin walked over to Genji and stuck out his hand.

"I'm Jae Ottani, and these are my children Xiomara and San" he said gesturing to the siblings.

"Hi sir I'm Genji, I'm er-"

"Her boyfriend?" he said gesturing towards Karia.

"No-no sir, or uh Jae, or Mr. Otanni."

"Jae is fine." The man took a seat on the couch, unbuttoning a coat so that his stomach sprung out.

All four teens sat on the couch awkwardly as well.

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