Jian Mao

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"Come here darling!" Jian's mother yelled from the kitchen.

   The smell of moon pie wafted from an open window. Jian wished he could eat it hot, but he would have to wait until after work.  Jian smoothed out his rumpled clothes before coming inside.

"Why there is Daddy's favorite little avatar!"
His father said while messing with his his hair.

   His father was listening to a radio, while his mother was in the kitchen. His mother came in, her curls perfectly pinned up into two tight buns. Her green dress was dusted in flour.

"Well goodness me!" She said gesturing down at her dress.

   Jian heard the faint sound of laughing, but remembered to stay in character.

His mother set down the Moon pie, and pretended to serve it everyone. Jian's father picked up a piece with his fork, but merely held it in front of his mouth as he talked.

"You know Jian, that was some impressive earth bending, I see a future Pro bender in you."

His mom placed her hands on her hips.

"Lao, our baby won't have time to be a pro bender and the worlds savior! He's only seven, there's still so much he doesn't know! But he promised to cook with his mummy, didn't you sweetie?"

This was his cue. He turned to the camera and flashed a bright smile.

"Of course Mom! An avatar and a chef, I think I can do it all!"


And with that a bell rang and the production crew went back to their jobs. Mr. Varrick came down from his directors chair.

"Well done Mr Jian, you are so adorable!" He said painfully pinching his cheeks.

"Almost makes me regret not having children." He said while rubbing the ends of his mustaches. Then he got that crazy look in his eyes.

"JUST KIDDING!" He yelled and patted his back. He ran off muttering something about

"Me and Zhu Li with those little demons? No thanks."

Back at the plastic table, Jian reached for the Moon pie, but his mother swatted his hand.

"Ah ah Jian, good little boys get to have moon pie."

"But I did the scene right" he complained while eyeing the pie. The smoke was staring to come off, and the "fresh from the oven" effect would ware off soon.

"Jian you have three more scenes, then you can have moon pie." His mother said with false sweetness.

"You" she snapped at one of the many hair and makeup assistants.

"Please fix this" she said gesturing to her hair.

   Jian couldn't spot a single hair out of place, but immediately many women crowded around his mom to attend to her needs. He sighed sitting down on the bench. He picked up his script and started memorizing lines again. Jian hated "The Avatar Show". He didn't want to be a mover star or much less a reality star. All he really wanted to do was eat some moon pie and have fun like all the other kids. Don't get him wrong, he loved being the avatar, but this wasn't what he signed up for.

Technically he did sign up to be the avatar, or at least his parents did. He was earth bending outside when it happened. Even before his avatar fame, his parents were pretty well known. His dad was a retired pro bender and his mom was a mover star. Jian's father had taught him to earth bend, and Jian was very good it. He practiced every day wanting to be absolutely perfect. He remembered the strange men his parents led into the living room, they called themselves the white lotus.

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