The Day Before It all Went Wrong

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"Jian, I-I think I'm in love!"

Jian was tried his hardest not to wrinkle his nose in disgust. He had always thought dating was trivial, and had never felt anything towards any girl he was forced to date. But for this girl, all he felt was annoyance.

"That's nice Xiomara." He said curtly.

He saw the girl's expression cloud, but as expected she ignored it and moved on. She was like a flea he couldn't shake off. Not that he wanted to get rid of her, he needed information on Genji. He hated that guy, but admittedly, he did amuse him. Jian Mao loved getting under his skin, seeing the guy fluster and panic.

He did worry Jian however. He didn't look strong, in fact he reminded Jian of a giant version of his teddy. He was tan, and while thin and tall, almost has childlike features, that made him look like an anorexic adorable bear. However, Jian had no idea what his strength was like. He was sure he wasn't a fully realized avatar, or at least he hoped.

His logic was that Genji would've done something big by now if he was truly a master of all four elements. Jian feared he was mastering his very final element, and that's why he was here in Republic City. He would have to move quick.

"See you tomorrow babe!" The girl squealed giving him a peck on the cheek.

"You have no idea" Jian muttered.

Tomorrow he would get Genji. He remembered the talk he had with Bumi just a few days before.

"I don't get it, we're here in Republic City, why don't we just get him now?"Jian whined.

Bumi offered his "I'm getting to that" smile.

"Look just a few more days, we need things to be ready. There are greater issues in the world right now than a fake avatar."

Jian wondered what foe or problem could be greater than Genji. For him it felt like his life was being shattered, the only role Jian knew how to play was being stripped from him. And what the people think after learning he was fake, they would hate him.

Jian uncomfortably shifted.

"You're not going to.. get rid of him, are you?"

What he really wanted to say was kill. Genji needed to be silenced, but Jian supposed he could sign a contract or something. Over the years as a fake avatar, Jian learned that contracts are more binding than any prison.

It wasn't that he liked the guy, in fact he hated him. The first time he met him was at dinner, a day before. He looked like he was going to be a problem, a guy who had his whole life set on destroying Jian's reputation. He wasn't going to let him. That being said.. he wasn't sure death was the best choice.

Bumi gave him a funny face, but he could see a bit of panic behind them.

"Of course not kid, we just gotta bring him in and explain to him the danger he's putting everyone in."

As Bumi said it, it felt like he was trying to convince himself.

"The White Lotus would never do that." But even Jian was starting to feel off towards the group.

Now that the girl was gone Jian felt relived. She had only come for fifteen minutes, he watched her run out the stairs of her apartment. But it felt like eternity. He walked back to his hideout, where the White Lotus could surveil Genji, but halfway up the steps he heard a slamming noise from Genji's house.

Before he could stop it, Jians lip curled into a cold smile.

"This should be fun" he thought.

Walking down he noticed something about Genji was off, he no longer seemed like... well Genji. This version was much more intimidating than he'd like to admit. Still Jian knew who had the upper hand. He waited by the wall for minute before calling out:

"We'll surprise surprise, you're not hiding in your apartment today!"


Jian's eyes flashed. He had never heard him speak like this.


Jian noticed a crowd forming and started to panic, yet he tried his best to keep his poker face. Luckily Jian didn't think he'd be this easy to recognize. He started to unconsciously back up as Genji moved in on him, slamming him against the wall. To Jian's horror Genji's voice seemed different, distorted almost. He kept his cool. He looked Genji up and down before flashing him a grin.

"Don't worry Genj, the wait is over tomorrow. Go ahead, cause a scene, when you wake up tomorrow everything will be set, and you'll be gone."

Genji raised his fist and for a minute Jian thought he was going to be punched, but his fist collided against the wall next to Jian, shattering most of it. Jian could also do that of course as a master earth bender, but Genji's strength made him panic.

It was then when he realized his own feet weren't touching the ground. Jian stared into Genji's intense dark green eyes and for a moment saw a faint white glow. Genji released him like he was nothing then stormed back to his apartment.

Noticing the small crowd, Jian stood up cooly and acted unfazed.

"Fake it till you make it" His mother always chided him. That was the one of the rules of acting. In public Jian's mom was so loving and nurturing. His father would act like he was always around, and his parents acted like they loved each other. If only when they faked it, it would actually become reality.

As Jian shrugged it off, the crowd started disperse, but he was mortified. The nerve of that guy to embarrass him like that, further proved that all Genji wanted was to ruin his life. Jian balled his fist. He no longer cared what the White Lotus did, sparing his life or not, Genji had to go.

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