She wanted attention ; from the boy who lived. 

Sighing, she picked up the quill and sat straight before picking up the parchment. 

Dear, the boy who lived, 

Its been a long time since I've written to you. Well, not exactly because I sent you the letter just last week. I'm writing again because I feel like. I hope you're doing good. Just wanted to remind you that, we are here for you. We stand by you. Stay strong. 

The girl who trusts. 
With that, Stella tucked the letter in Sky's beak who was sitting on the window sill in Stella's dorm. When Sky was out of the sight, Stella turned around to find Daphne entering the dorm. There was an eerie and awkward silence around them which was getting frustrating every minute. 

"Daphne?" Stella called, sitting on her bed causing her best friend to look up. 

"Yes?" Daphne replied, tying her hair in a bun. 

"I'm sorry." Stella softly said,"I'm sorry for ignoring you. I'm sorry for acting like a bitch. I'm so sorry." 

"It's alright Ella." Daphne cooed, sitting beside her best friend,"Sometimes we need some time alone. I understand. You don't need to apologise." 

"Really?" Stella asked, looking at her best friend with love and adoration flowing in her ocean blue eyes. 

"Yes." Daphne smiled, hugging her best friend when her eyes fell on Stella's hand.

"What the heck happened to your hand?" Daphne gasped, lightly grasping Stella's hand. 

"Umbridge..." Stella muttered,"She made me use these quills which wrote with my blood." 

"What!" Daphne shrieked, getting up,"That's illegal!" 

"Well we can't do anything, now can we?" Stella shrugged.

"We can." Daphne protested,"We can complain to Professor McGonagall!"

"No, I don't want Umbridge to feel that she got me." Stella explained, remembering Harry's words.

Meanwhile, Harry had locked himself in his dorm and was thinking about what Hermione and Ron had advised him to do; to teach students how to defend themselves.

 His eyes flew to the owl which was knocking on the window with her beaks. Getting up from the bed, Harry opened the window and reached for the letter. It was addressed to him from the girl who trusts. A huge grin spread on his face as he ran to get the letter he had written for her. 

"Wait a minute." He yelled to the owl before grabbing the scrunched letter from the floor. 

"Here." Harry said, tucking the letter in Sky's beak,"Take it to your owner." 

As Sky flew away, Harry opened the letter, being hit by the strawberry smell coming from the letter. He found a red heart etched on the starting of the letter with what looked like lip balm. His cheeks grew hot as he bit his lip to stop himself from smiling so much. 

Reading the letter, his smile just got bigger and bigger. 

On the other hand, Stella was writing her history of magic homework when sky flew inside, dropping the letter on Stella's lap.

Stella couldn't believe her eyes when she read the sender's name. It was Harry Potter. Stella's dorm mate, Milicent Bullstrode eyes the letter but before she could read anything, Stella grabbed the letter and ran inside the bathroom. 

Dear, the girl who trusts 

I don't know who you are. I don't even know why I'm writing to you. But somewhere my heart says that I can trust you. I don't know where to start. I just feel so frustrated with everything going on.

 Umbridge is just misusing her powers and it's not fair. On the other hand Hermione is urging me to start teaching everybody defense against dark arts because according to her I'm the best in our year. But I'm not sure because it's just pure luck that I always survive the dangerous situations. Even though I can produce a patronous, that doesn't mean that I'm capable of teaching others. I didn't get through the dangerous situations because I'm great at defense against dark arts, I got through it all because help came at the right time. Ron and Hermione just think that it's just memorizing a bunch of spells and using it against HIM. The whole time you know there's nothing between you and death and we've never been taught what to do in such situations in our classes. 

I don't know what to do now. Somewhere I feel like I should say yes. This is messing with my mind. Should I say yes? 

I'm really sorry for ranting to you but I just felt like. Thank you.

 From, Harry, the boy who lived 

A big frown rested on Stella's face as she finished reading the letter. She felt like hugging the boy who was going through much. She wanted to tell him that everything will be alright. She's with him, his friends are with him. 

But all she could do what, write a letter to him. 

Somewhere, she felt happy that he trusted her enough to share his problems with her. But it soon struck her that he trusts the 'girl who writes letters to him' not who she is, Stella.
Walking outside, she found Daphne and Pansy also returned back to the dorm and were preparing to sleep. 

"Why did you skip dinner?" Pansy asked, plopping down on her bed. 

"I didn't feel like eating." Stella shrugged, stuffing the letter inside her book. When everybody was asleep, Stella got up and picked up her quill. 

Dear, the boy who lived, I think you should say yes. Because we trust you. And you're capable. The girl who trusts. 

Keeping the letter under her pillow, Stella drifted to sleep.

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