17 | Lime

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When Lime got back Blue and Orange were staring dumbfounded at the office walls.

"I looked away for one second, I swear," Blue started.

"Then I turned my head and it was all over the walls," Orange finished for her.

Lime examined the wall. It was a familiar sight, to say the least; written in blood were the words "Cyan was not the imposter / One imposter remains,"

"Damn it, there are only three of us left and honestly I don't think either of you is the imposter," Orange voiced what Lime was thinking.

"But one of us has to be, and it can only be Orange because he was the only other person who could've killed Black and White," Blue said

"It wasn't me. I went to check on what they were doing and found them dead." Orange told her, "As I said before, there could be a stowaway or something,"

Blue made a skeptical sound.

"I'm just gonna work on the phone," Lime slowly backed away from the rising tension.

"Wait not don't leave me with hi-" Blue started, but Lime was already gone.

She had the wire that Luke had gotten her, now she just needed to plug everything in.

First, she removed the memory chip from the phone. Next, she placed the memory chip in the make-shift data converter she had built out of the spare parts she found. And finally, she plugged the data converter into the computer using the cord that Luke had given her.

Then she waited.

It took a while for the data to convert but finally, it was ready. Lime scrolled to the files with the latest time stamps and clicked on the last one.

It was Yellow's video of the spacewalk from when the asteroid knocked out the antenna. The only person in the video that was here today was Orange.

Then again, the video may not even have evidence.

Lime's cursor hovered over the play button.

She was about to uncover a secret. Crack a case.

The cocking of a gun froze her as Blue's voice called out, "Don't Move,"

The cocking of a gun froze her as Blue's voice called out, "Don't Move,"

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Heheheh sorry this was short, I wanted it to end on a cliffhanger. I know, I'm evil :)

QOTD: What are Blue's intentions?

I'm aiming to have this done before winter break starts!

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