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Orange woke up to the sound of Lime's voice on the intercom.

"We have passed Neptune and are heading towards the Kuiper Belt and the Oort Cloud, so I suggest you all strap in unless you want to go flying into space!"

The Kuiper belt was a large belt of asteroids and orbited the sun, and if a giant ship like The Skeld was trying to weave through it, then he better get strapped in as Lime said.

The ship lurched upwards causing Orange to fall backward. He crawled his way to the closet and put on his spacesuit.

By the time he got to the navigation center, the rest of the crew was already strapped in. Lime and Cyan were frantically pushing buttons and pulling levers.

"Green!" Lime yelled, "Get to the weapons center, see if you can shoot down some asteroids!"

"Yes, ma'am!" Green unbuckled his seatbelt and stumbled towards the weapons center.

That's when an asteroid nearly killed them all.

Lime quickly yanked the controls downward, but the asteroid had still done some serious damage because Green yelled, "Comms are down! The weapons won't work!"

"Damn it!" Orange stood, "The asteroid must've broken the antenna, someone's gonna have to go and fix it!"

"I'll go!" Green stumbled back into the room and started gathering scrap metal and welders. Orange followed him.

"Wait! I'm coming, I gotta get this on camera!" Yellow unbuckled and ran after them. 

Wrong move.

The ship lurched and she stumbled to the side and hit the wall, "I'm okay!"

The three of them ran to the airlock at the side of the ship.

"Put on your helmets!" Orange told them. Green pressed the button and the airlock opened. They all stepped inside as Orange handed out materials.

"So, do you know how to use a welder?" Orange asked Yellow.

"Of course I do, I'm not stupid," Yellow huffed, "But unfortunately, I can't because I need both hands for filming," Yellow held up her hands.

Green rolled his eyes, "This may very well be life or death, if one of us loses our grip you can't hesitate to throw your phone away and save us. Unless you're the imposter,"

Orange looked between the two and could feel the tension rising. That's what always happened when the word "imposter" was mentioned.

"Look, I've grown up in front of the media. You probably know my real name too, which is why I saw no need in my code name," Yellow countered.

"I don't know your name," Orange said weakly.

Yellow glared.

Green sighed and hit the button to open the side of the ship. "Remember, we have rocket boots, use them,"

The three of them flew to the top of the ship where they saw the broken antenna.

"This is better than I thought, the antenna's just broken, all of it is here though. For once our luck is not rotten," Green planted his feet on the ship, and Orange and Yellow did the same.

As the boys worked Yellow pointed her camera at them and started recording. "Hey, guys! Today, we're out in space fixing a broken comms antenna. The stakes are high. This is life or death. Orange and Green are currently fixing the antenna in the middle of the Kuiper belt while asteroids are getting hurled at them!" Yellow said in a cheery voice.

"Actually we're done," Green stood.

"What? Watch out ASTEROID!" Yellow yelled.

Orange whipped his head around to see an asteroid the size of a person hurtling towards them. He leaped out of the way, but Green wasn't so lucky.

The asteroid hit Green right in the gut and sent him flying into space.

"Use your Rocket boots!" Orange ran to the edge of the ship and yelled.

"I can't! They're not working!"

"Mine don't either! How's that possible! They were working before! Orange go save him!" Yellow yelled at him.

Orange looked back at Green.

Then he leaped off the ship. His rocket boots worked flawlessly, as he weaved around asteroids and landed on the one which Green was on. He grabbed Green's hand and looked back at the ship. Then looked back at Green. Then leaped off the asteroid.

As he was flying he had a strange thought. If he let Green go, that was one less person that may be the imposter. He had to let go.

But he didn't. He hardened his jaw and gripped Green harder. If he did let go; he'd be just as bad as the imposter.

* * *

Green, Yellow, and Orange stumbled inside the airlock.

Orange slammed the button to close the door and fell to the ground panting. Yellow pointed the camera at him and he covered his face.

"C'mon! You have to let the world see what a hero you are! You saved me and Green!" Yellow opened the airlock door and the three of them stumbled back inside the security of The Skeld.

"Yeah man, you saved our butts out there. At least now we know who isn't the imposter." Green told him.

But this time when he said the word, the atmosphere stayed at its regular density.

The trio ran back to the Navigation center just as Lime started an announcement. She swiveled towards them in her chair and said, "Congratulations people! We have successfully made it out of the Solar System! T-minus two days until we reach Polus!"

But all Orange was thinking was that two more people would die until they reached Polus.

But all Orange was thinking was that two more people would die until they reached Polus

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AAAAYYYY We're getting somewhere now!

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QOTD: What happened to Yellow and Green's rocket boots?

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