13 | Black

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The MIRA Polus base was abandoned.

They had wandered around a few more times but found no one. Just dead bodies. Black had done a simple autopsy on the bodies and he found most of them looked like the bodies aboard The Skeld. Half of the body was gone and the guts were spilling out onto the floor.

However, a few of them had perfectly aimed gunshots into their own heads. Like they'd rather kill themselves than have whatever killed the others kill them.

He suspected that something similar to what had killed more than half of their crew had killed most of the researchers.

"But that's impossible, the imposter was on our ship the whole time. None of us would've had the time to kill all these people before we even stepped out," Orange argued.

"But think about it, whoever this imposter is," Lime eyed the crew warily, "Obviously knows what they're doing, so it makes sense that there would be more of them, all working together,"

"So what are you saying?" White skeptically asked, "There's an evil secret organization of imposter people who did all this?"

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves," Orange told them. "We should focus on finding the imposter among us first, and how do we even know they're evil?"

Orange was right about one thing, they had to find the imposter among them first.

"Do you think someone good would kill all these people?" Blue's voice interrupted their banter. She kept her calm, but her eyes told everyone that she was not calm. They were harsh and bore into each person as she made eye contact with every one of them.

"My father is somewhere on this base. He was a Polus researcher. And I am trying to have hope because I haven't seen him yet," Her voice rose, "But I know I shouldn't, I know the truth,"

None of the crew knew what to do after that. 

* * *

Black and Lime had started to work on contacting MIRA HQ when the comms systems went down. They had to take a whole hour just to fix it and calibrate the satellites onto the right radio channels so that they could fix the frequency emitters and contact MIRA HQ.

 A/N: I'm just spitting randoms words at this point these probably aren't real things, but it sounds legit right?! :D

Lime spoke into the radio, "This is MIRA Polus Base to MIRA HQ, does anyone copy?" The response came almost immediately.

"Oh thank god, this is MIRA HQ, we copy. What happened? You went dark," A lady asked them.

Black took the radio from Lime, "That's the thing, we're from Mission Surreptitious 5, delivering the Despoticium. We don't know what happened, but-"

The lady cut him off, "Wait, you guys aren't dead?"


"Oh, nothing, just because all the other Mission Surreptitious crews died before they made it to Polus-"

Another voice cut her off, it was sharp and had a purpose. The voice belonged to someone important. Nefari. "What happened at the Polus Base," It wasn't a question. It was a command.

"We don't exactly know," Lime answered for Black, "But all the researchers are dead,"

Radio static filled the air. Nefari sighed.

"Alright, we'll send some more researchers, try to clean up the place. It should take 5 days, while I call the families," She mumbled the last part. "Oh and, did you eradicate the imposter from your ship? We're holding the people you sent on trial,"

Black and Lime glanced at each other. "We haven't found the imposter yet," Black answered.

"Well then, try to stay alive until help comes. Just 5 more days,"

The words were meant to be soothing. But they were the opposite.

 But they were the opposite

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It's short. I can't write long paragraphs...

Hopefully, I'll be able to update more over Thanksgiving break and the Holidays! 

Because we can't go anywhere! Yay! /s

QOTD: Does anyone know some more legit sounding terms so that I can look smart?

Also, I really want an opinion on this: Ships? heheheh

*waits to get bombarded with ships that aren't even relevant*

The dropship driver from the beginning and the radio worker??? lol

Thanks for reading! Vote and comment!

(I feel like my author's notes make up half the chapter lol)

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