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She had to admit it made sense though. Kill the medic so there's less chance of the injured surviving.

When Lime had called the meeting everyone had rushed to the cafeteria in their pajamas. Many had annoyed tired faces.

"Hey, you okay?" Green asked her. Lime must've looked messed up because he gave her a sincere look that didn't quite match his overall vibe. She was huddled in a ball leaning against the wall of the cafeteria, rocking back and forth.

"I don't think she's okay," Cyan kneeled beside her. He wouldn't be either i-if he saw.

"Okay, who called this meeting?" Black's dark bangs were messed up and hung in front of his head in weird directions.

Deep breath Lime. Pull it together. "I did," She hated how quiet her voice was, but it was the best she could manage. "P-Purple. He's gone. Dead. In the medbay,"

By the looks on their faces, she could tell they didn't believe her. "Look for yourself,"

And so they crept in the darkness, the ten crewmates and one imposter, all in pajamas in their color (The ones MIRA had given to them) to the medbay.

Green sucked in a breath beside Lime. A few people gasped. Pink ran out of the room. It was understandable.

He was lying propped up against the wall, right next to the body scanner. Not all of him though, just the top half.

But there was blood. Everywhere. It covered his dark skin and braids, the floor, the wall. His inner organs were spilled across the floor in front of him.

Lime ran from the room and back to the cafeteria. Yellow was already there comforting a crying Pink.

"Hey, it's okay we will find the imposter, and make them pay," The way Yellow said it contrasted with her online appearance and even made Lime a little scared.

* * *

It was morning. They all sat quietly at the cafeteria's center table.

Orange broke the silence, "If we're gonna find the imposter, I think we have to get to know each other first,"

"What, so we bond and then another person gets killed?" Red retorted.

"Do any of you have a better idea?" brown said quietly. None of them spoke.

"I agree with Orange then, if someone's history seems suspicious then we have a clue to who it is," Blue spoke and the rest were obliged to follow.

"How about we share our job on the ship, the space education that prepared us for this, and... biggest fear?" Orange suggested, "Anyone wanna go first?"

Blue started, "I'm the Captain, Ethereal School for Space Exploration, ESSE for short, and... probably going insane from being alone in space."

And they went like that for a few more people, each of them had flawless stories and nothing at all was suspicious. Then it was Lime's turn.

"Uhm. I'm the pilot. I went to The Pierre," (There were a couple of 'Woah's at that) "And," Lime smiled, "My Abuela said something bad would happen if I went on this mission... I guess she was right. My biggest fear would be to die on this ship."

There were head nods. If it wasn't their top fear at the moment, it was definitely in the top 10.

"I'm Cyan, the pilot-"

"Co-pilot," Lime interrupted him.

"Fine, co-pilot," Cyan grumbled, "I went to Militaria-"

"Wait that's a military school, not a space exploration one." Lime now understood why MIRA had made him a co-pilot.

"Will you stop interrupting me?" Cyan sighed, "But yes, I wanted to be an astronaut... but my dad- he wanted me to be in the army. And so it was our agreement, I would be able to be a fighter pilot, but I would never make it past the troposphere,"

"Wait, then how did you get this mission?" Lime mentally smacked herself for interrupting him again.

"You just won't listen will you?" But his tone was light, a smirk playing on his face, "My dad doesn't know I'm here, so yeah, that's my worst fear, my dad finding out I'm not fighting in some war, but trying to survive a murder mystery in space,"

No one really knew what to say after that. Luckily, Yellow saved them from the building pressure in the room.

"What if we vote people out?" She suggested, "If they're suspicious we can vote them out and send them back to Earth in the escape pods to be judged?"

"That's... actually a good idea. Orange, could you set up a voting system and link it to all the tablets? But I don't think voting today would be a good idea since we have so little evidence," Blue looked at Orange, "Could you do it?"

"Sure," Was his immediate reply.

"I could do it too," White interrupted, "And why can't we vote now? I have a few theories," She glanced pointedly at Lime, "It's kinda suspicious that you were up in the middle of the night and happened to go in the medbay,"

"Me?!" Lime raised her hands, "I went to get a drink and heard a noise so sue me if I wanted to investigate!"

"Lime calm down," Green placed an arm on her shoulder and pulled her back.

"No, I will not! Purple is dead! A person is dead! A-and you treat it like some, some game?! You could be the imposter for all we know!"

Pink started sniffling again when she was reminded of her one-day friend.

"Guys stop, we can't make any accusations at this point, there's no evidence," Cyan stepped in between White and Lime.

"Fine," White backed off and crossed her arms, "I'll go make the voting application," She left the room.

"She'll probably make it so that she can't be voted out," Lime grumbled, and she completely believed what she had said.

"Relax, Blue will watch her," Cyan placed an arm on her tense shoulder, "Right?"

"On it," Blue waved and ran after White.

"Wait," Black cut in, "Where do we put the dead body?"

Shout out to karmas_next_target I read all of your comments and all of them made me laugh! Thanks so much!

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Shout out to karmas_next_target I read all of your comments and all of them made me laugh! Thanks so much!

QOTD: If you were the imposter, who would you kill first?

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