15 | Black

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"Hey could you get me some test tubes from storage?"

"On it," Black ran out of the specimen room. He didn't really know what White was eve doing to the specimen but he did want to look at those things any more than he had to. He knew they were living.

The only living things humans have found.

And they run tests on them.

The sound of metal clanging drew his alarm. His hand instinctively went to his gun and cocked it.

"Woah, woah, woah, don't shoot!" Lime's voice made him pause. Yet he didn't put his put his gun down, he couldn't afford a mistake like that if she was the imposter.

Lime emerged from the pile of junk with her arms raised. "Don't shoot, okay,"


Lime sighed as Black carefully put his gun down.

"I just need some test tubes for White," Black told her. Lime pointed to a box across from her as she continued digging. Black quickly found the test tubes and started to leave until Lime's voice stopped him.

"Why does she need those anyways?"

"I don't know, I think she's continuing research on the life forms while more people are on their way," Black answered her, "I'm still not totally okay with poking around with alien life, I mean it always ends bad in the movies,"

"Or maybe she's getting you out of there so she can go murder somebody," Lime muttered. She looked up when she caught Black staring, "What? Just a thought,"

Black didn't want to put that thought to the test.

He quietly tiptoed into the laboratory and down to the specimen room.

He froze before he entered the room.

It was them.

It was them all along.

He never would've expected it.

How did he know?

Maybe it was because of the long sickly tentacles coming out from under their face, or maybe the fact that White's body was on the floor, or maybe the fact that they were now looking at Black with dilated pupils and a hungry look on its face, or maybe it was the fact that Black couldn't move.

Like physically couldn't move because its tentacles were already around him.

Black prayed for the quick end.

And a quick end was what he got.

An hour later Orange found White and Black dead in specimen room.

An hour later Orange found White and Black dead in specimen room

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Ahahahhha. I rushed sorry.

But I told you I'd update before Monday :)

I'm probably gonna go back and edit this after I finish, and honestly we're not far from done!

Thanks for reading!

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