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He had been quickly fitted with an orange spacesuit, (which looked more like battle armor) told that he was one of the communications specialists aboard the ship (which acted as the eyes and ears if the ship), then he had been told his code name was now Orange and to never speak or think of his real name, and finally, he was shoved into a ship called The Skeld to journey on the most put-together mission of 2048.

Or probably all of history.

Their mission?

Get a rare, mysterious substance called Despoticium all the way to Polus.

An alien planet. The first planet they had found traces of life on. Even if they were just bacteria and small amphibians. They had yet to find a dominant intelligent species.

Polus was an Earth-sized purple planet with many craters. But the main attraction on Polus was the giant hole in the side of the planet, giving it a crescent shape.

Astronomers believe that a celestial body, the size of Mars struck the planet, causing about half of the planet to break off into space. Because of this hole, the inner-workings of the planet are visible. And what's inside Polus, you ask? Lava. Billions of gallons of lava.

Yet the exterior is cold, and snowstorms are common because relative to Earth, Polus is far away from its Sun.

MIRA desperately needed to get the Despoticium to Polus after so many failed attempts so they threw together a ragtag crew of twelve space cadets

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MIRA desperately needed to get the Despoticium to Polus after so many failed attempts so they threw together a ragtag crew of twelve space cadets. (Why would you do so if no one else had succeeded, Orange didn't know) But hey, Orange wasn't arguing, he got to go to Polus, an alien planet.

* * *

After being shoved to his personal room (5b) by a girl in a dark blue spacesuit, he was given 10 minutes to unpack and get to the communications room, where he would be spending most of his time aboard the ship.

Lift-off was in T-minus 30 minutes, and they had to get ready for the media too.

As he left his room he was immediately overwhelmed by how many people there were. Rushing through the halls getting ready for lift-off. He passed through the shields room and made his way to communications.

"T-minus 20 minutes to lift-off!" The intercom yelled.

A girl in a yellow space suit came up to him, "And this is our lovely friend Orange!" She held up a video recorder and pointed it at him.

He was pretty sure he had never seen her before.

"I'm live streaming," She whispered and covered the mic on the camera, "Just tell us who you are and what you do,"

Ok then, he smiled and spoke, "Like she said, I'm Orange," He waved, "And I'm the communications manager of this ship,"

"Actually I'm the communications manager of this ship," A new voice entered the conversation.

Orange turned to find a tall girl with a dark bun in a white spacesuit.

"Ooooh, space drama," Yellow removed her helmet displaying her blond ponytail and green eyes.

"Well, the people who brought me here said that I was the communications manager,"

"Well they said I was too," White replied

"Guys!" The girl from before, the one in the dark blue spacesuit with the long black hair, swung her head in the doorway, "You're both communications officers, now work together and prepare for liftoff,"

"And what gives you the right to tell me what to do?"

Orange made the decision to stay away from White, he shifted in his seat. The tension was high.

"Because I'm the captain of this ship," Blue answered.

"Really? Says who?"

Blue sighed, "Look I don't have time for this, just get ready for liftoff. Please,"

"Fine," White huffed and took the chair on the desk to his right. And yellow left pleased that she had filmed it all.

* * *

Orange had just completed the liftoff checklist when the intercom boomed, "T-minus 5 minutes to liftoff, at this time all personnel must report out of The Skeld unless you are a crewmate. Crewmates report to the Navigation center and strap yourselves in!"

So that'll be the average (maybe on the lower side) length of my chapters

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So that'll be the average (maybe on the lower side) length of my chapters. This is mostly filler to get you ready for the rest of the story.

Anyways please comment! If you're a writer too you know how happy it can make a person.

Thanks for reading!

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