Relantionships' Changes.

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Nothing can change if nobody changes, especially relationships.

~about four days later, early at night, Blue River Pack~

Claire's pov

I observe all of them walking towards the big fire and I bite my lower lip when I concentrate more on my father.

He was distant when it was his turn to greet and welcome me, but I was expecting it and I don't blame him for that. I mean, I came here without confessing to anyone (not even to my mother) my intentions to talk to him, forgive him officially and announce to him that I am more than willing to give to us a second chance.

Also, I wasn't so expressive towards him a while ago, as I was too focused on my aunt and grandparents, his family. I didn't really try to break the ice between us, but I will make it up too soon, in fact it will happen in some minutes from now.

Yeah... I have taken care of everything with Blaze, who stands like a rock next to me these last days.

At this point, I guess that I have to explain with few words what you have missed these couple of days, I know you are dying to know everything, so let me begin.

As you have already understood, I, Blaire and Evan came to Blue River Pack for the very first time. I couldn't stay away for any longer and I talked with my mom, we discussed about how things have calmed down and she agreed that I should come tonight to meet the rest of the family. We arrived about half an hour ago, just like we had arranged with my mother, and after I greeted my family from her side, we took our way to the lake house.

I think you remember about it, right? If not, I will remind you immediately about this house. It is my grandparents' house (my father's) and when aunt Kaitlyn got informed about me paying them my very first visit, she had an idea, a great one. She thought about repeating what she, my parents and their friends used to do every Saturday night when they were young and the weather was good with normal temperatures.

That's why she was quick to prepare a 'barbeque' night here, next to the lake house. My mother explained to me in general how fun they had while we were coming and I have to admit that I am extremely excited. Aunt Kaitlyn has done a pretty good job and imagine that I haven't gotten close to the fire yet in order to see more (it is dark), but I love this location with the lake and the forest all around.

I will tell you the reason I am not close to the fire and all the others in a while, because first I have to tell you who are here. I am sure you know most of the names already, but I will tell you anyway.

So, the first are my mother's parents, Helen and Chase, with my uncle, Brandon and his mate, Kourtney and their daughter, my cousin, Bianca. The last two of them were those I hadn't met before and I did today, but I adore them and I am very close with Bianca already, we have many things in common.

The next could be nobody else, but my father's parents and sister. They were waiting for us here with my dad (yes, I mean Gabriel), Hayley, Max, Beta Declan and Jenna and Gamma Joel. This happened because grandma Ruth thought about giving to me more time in order to calm down before meeting them, and my mother respected her wish mostly because of my previous frustration around Gabriel. You see, I have said absolutely nothing to the poor woman, and when I say nothing, I mean it.

Call me insane or stupid, but not only I have hidden from her my intentions about talking to my dad and accepting him, but also I have hidden the news about my pregnancy, and I don't feel sorry about it. I couldn't see her earlier due to the upsetting circumstances and I didn't want to tell her through the phone. In addition, I felt relieved that Evan, Blaze, Kira, Megan and Mark respected my wish and supported me, as they haven't told her and stood on me.

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