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"Don't take things for granted... Life is full of surprises, you never know what is going to happen even the next second..."

~late in the morning, Bloody Snow Pack~

Gabriel's pov

The car stops and I open my door without waiting for someone to open it for me.

I set my foot on the green glass and get out of the car observing all around me amused.

This place is really breathtaking and very different than I could remember, my friend has been doing a great job with his pack and I am happy I found the opportunity to pay him a visit after so many years.

Evan was like a brother for me and not without a serious reason...

We had lots of things in common at the private college for Alphas, he was two years older than me and we were together only for one year until he had to leave in order to become his pack's Alpha after his father but with him I had the best time of my life, I never forgot him although I cut all the lines about three years later...

I was an idiot, I know but... I couldn't do otherwise, I was feeling ashamed and now I have no idea how I found the strength to call him and tell him I was close to his pack for some business and I wanted to come and see him!

I guess I miss him very much and it came out of me instinctually, I didn't have the courage to call him before but now... I don't know what has gotten into me but I am glad I did it and Evan accepted me, I need to explain to him even if this is going to be humiliating for me.

"Alpha Gabriel, welcome!" one tall man near his 40's says walking to me from the pack house, stops and bows.

He seems to me in a high rank, maybe... Beta? And he is serious yet warm, very professional and friendly at the same time!

"Thank you very much! I am happy to be here!" I reply and give him my hand for a handshake.

Usually I don't like formalities and especially in this pack, it's my friend's and I don't feel like it!

"Evan is sorry for not being here already to greet you in person but the Alpha, the Luna and the Beta are training the pack and he had to take care of something urgent that couldn't wait in the Alpha's place!" he explains as we walk up the five stairs that lead up at the pack house's entrance and I blink my eyes surprised.

"You mean his son is the Alpha now? And he has a Luna already? He is about 19 years old if I remember correctly!" I say really excited and he nods smiling.

"Yes Alpha! That's right, Blaze is the Alpha about four months now. He was ready from earlier but he wanted to have our Luna next to him officially from the first moment and once she turned 18 they took their titles, just like the Beta!" he explains and I raise my eyebrows impressed.

I am sure Evan is very happy about Blaze! Their life wasn't easy because Evan's mate, Stephanie and Luna of the pack died right after Blaze turned one year old from a rogues' attack and Evan was devastated. I had come to her funeral, I still remember how broken he was and sometimes I understand him because...


What matters is that Blaze has his Luna and Evan must be very happy!

"Please Alpha, after you!" he continues opening the door for me and I smile getting in the house to freeze.


Whoever decorated this house has certainly a great taste!

This house is so simple, yet elegant and royal, it has another air and the light cream, beige, brown and white colors look amazing with the dark brown wooden floor and furniture. The windows are very large and the light is so bright in here, it gives the atmosphere a familiar warmth and we are only before the central living room.

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