The Revelations - Part 3

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Junkyard - 02:23 pm

Josh's P.O.V

After a long conversation, Max finally finished telling me her story since she arrived in Arcadia Bay until now. She told me about Blackwell, about Chloe, about Rachel and how she gained her powers.

Josh: - Let me see if I got it... Rachel was missing until you found out she died. But you didn't know her, right?

Max: - Right.

Josh: - Chloe died because you messed up the timeline and that caused a storm. That is, Chloe died because of you.

Max: - More or less.

Josh: - And now you can't live without her.

Max: - Yes.

Josh: - Well... It's a long story, but I think I understood most of it. However, I still don't understand what all this has to do with me. I mean... Why are you telling me this story?

Max: - Because I need you, Josh. Only then will I be able to bring them both back.

Josh: - Wait... Do you want to bring them both back to life? Can you go back that far in time?!

Max: - Yes, I can. Through photos.

Josh: - Photos?

Max: - If I look at a photo, I can open an alternative reality between the past and the present.

Josh: - Wow!

Max: - I figured that would be your reaction.

Josh: - Incredible...

Max: - And there's more: Over time, my power has evolved suddenly. Now I have found that I can send someone else to the past.

Josh: - And how do you know that? Have you tested it on anyone?

Max: - Last week, I was looking at a picture I took with Chloe and accidentally sent Lisa back to the past. I just accidentally touched my hand to it.

Josh: - Lisa? Who's Lisa?

Max: - My plant.

Josh: - Oh.

Then Max put her hand in her pocket and took out two photographs. One had a blue butterfly on top of a bucket in a bathroom. The other had two girls looking at the camera.

Max: - And that's why I called you here today, Josh. I want you to help me bring them both back.

Upon hearing this, Josh started to think about my proposal.

Max: - I tried to do it myself, but I couldn't. I don't have the strength to make two time travels. I may even be able to make the first, but the second can kill me!

Josh: - But why?

Max: - The further I travel, the more I get hurt. My nose bleeds every time I come back too much. And you don't want to know what can happen if I take two time travels.

Josh: - Damn...

Max: - But if you help me with this, it may work! Instead of just me suffering for the two time travels, you can share the pain with me! So, each one gets half the pain instead of me having it all.

Josh: - Let's say I accept... What exactly would I have to do?

Max: - It's not as simple as it seems... You have to go back in time using one of those two pictures that I'm holding and keep her from dying.

Josh: - Oh... But do I have to choose one of the two?

Max: - No, Josh. I already did. I take responsibility for Chloe because I've known her for longer, so it would be easier for me. Also, she was the only person who knew that I had powers.

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