Awkward Moments

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Camp Room - 12:17 pm

Josh's P.O.V

There I was with Rachel's phone in my hands trying to decide whether to view those texts or not.

You know that moment when you really want to do something, but you're afraid you'll regret it later? That's exactly what I'm going through right now.




I decided to view. I know I'm about to take a big risk, but I can't help it. I'm too curious to miss this opportunity.

There were three texts from a guy named Frank and five from Chloe.

Texts from Frank:

Frank: rachel

Frank: please

Frank: come see me. thats all I ask of you

Texts from Chloe:

Chloe: where are you, oh great Prospera?

Chloe: rach where r u? I went to hell and I didn't find you. I mean, blackwell

Chloe: r u there?

Chloe: I just stopped by your house and you weren't there either. please respond

Chloe: rachel?

Is she really ignoring everyone? Even Chloe Price? The Rachel I know wouldn't do such a thing. And this guy, Frank Bowers... Is she having an affair with him or what? I thought Chloe and Rachel had something.

At this exact moment, I heard the sound of a flush coming from the bathroom and blocked the phone. Suddenly, Rachel came out of the bathroom and I put the phone in the same place I found it.

When she looked at me, I tried to act as normal as possible.

Rachel: - Uh... Is everything ok?

Josh: - Yeah. Why wouldn't I be ok?

Rachel: - I don't know. Is there any reason why you're not ok?

Josh: - I hope not.

Then Rachel found it strange. I hate it when she does that because she always ends up finding out what I'm hiding. But this time she decided to let it go.

Rachel: - Alright then.

Suddenly, we heard the sound of a siren echoing throughout the camp and someone appeared at the room door.

Dana: - Rach? Josh?

Rachel: - Yes?

Dana: - Are you guys ready?

Rachel: - I'm always ready.

Dana: - So let's go! They're calling everyone to the great hall.

Rachel: - Right. I'm just going to get my phone.

Holy shit. I hope she doesn't notice.

Right after that, Dana left the room and went downstairs. After Rachel got her phone, I got up and headed for the door.

Josh: - Shall we go?

Rachel: - Let's go.

Then Rachel and I left the room, went downstairs and outside. There were a lot of people heading towards the great hall.

Steph: - Come on, guys! Let's go while the best seats aren't taken!

Then we all walked there together. When we arrived, we looked for good places to stay.

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