A Decision To Make

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Chloe's House - 10:23 pm

Chloe's P.O.V

I quickly opened the back glass door and entered the house. Soon after, I went towards the stairs and went up. Max followed me the whole way.

However, just before we opened the door to my room, the music from the speaker stopped and someone opened the door.

Rachel: - Chloe!

Chloe: - Rachel?

Rachel: - We were talking about you right now!

Chloe: - Er... Were you... Listening to music on my speaker?

Rachel: - Oh, sorry. Is there a problem?

Chloe: - No, it's just... Next time let me know, Rach.

Rachel: - It doesn't matter now.

Rachel didn't seem to give a fuck about it. Surely she was dying to say something else.

Rachel: - Since we're all here together, I can't see a better time to talk if not now.

Chloe: - Talk? Talk about what?

Rachel: - I've been thinking... Since we all want to, then what are we waiting for? We can do this as soon as possible!

Chloe: - Rach, what are you talking about?

Max: - You're really crazy to get out of here, aren't you, Rachel?

Chloe: - Wait a minute... You're not thinking about-

Rachel: - WE'RE GOING TO LOS ANGELES TOMORROW! - She shouted interrupting me.

Chloe's thought: I knew she was going to say that...

Then I sighed and looked up with my arms crossed.

Rachel: - Don't even try, Chloe! You've admitted a million times that you want to go too!

Chloe: - Yes, but-

Rachel: - Do you really want to start this discussion again? You don't want to see me angry...

Josh: - Well... I know that I already gave my opinion about it and that I also agreed to go back there, but it may not-

Rachel: - Josh... Don't start with that. Not you!

Max: - I think I won't be able to go.

Rachel: - What? And why not?!

Max: - I have to finish college, I don't have time to travel.

Rachel: - Come on, we'll find a way! There must be a photography college nearby or something, I don't know! It's Los Angeles, guys! It's not possible that there is no possibility of all of us going there together!

Right after that, Josh made a "fuck it" face. I could tell that Rachel had already convinced him.

Josh: - You know what? I'll go back there, so it doesn't matter to me. I'm in!

Rachel: - Yes!

After obtaining Josh's confirmation, Rachel looked at Max.

Rachel: - What about you, Super-Max? You will come?

Max: - Well... Maybe I can find a way. There must be something over there.

Rachel: - Yes, you can!

After thinking for a while, I ended up with no way out, as always. As soon as Rachel looked at me, I finally got my answer.

Chloe: - FUCK IT! Deal! - I shouted while opening both arms. - We're going to Los Angeles tomorrow and no one will stop us! Fuck everything else! Are you happy now?!

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