Manipulations and Photographs

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Arcadia Lake Surroundings - 09:50 pm

Josh's P.O.V

After walking a lot, we finally arrived at the skate championship that was in an open place, next to a construction site. It seems like these construction sites have been chasing me everywhere lately...

The place was very crowded for a simple skate championship. I could have sworn that there were not just Blackwell students there, because halfway through I came across many people I had never seen before. In addition, there was also electronic music, drugs and drinks everywhere. Maybe that may have been exactly what attracted all these people, but if the police found out about this, everyone is screwed.

As soon as we entered that vast place, we met that same group of skaters rivaling Justin's group. Some of them were standing, others sitting on some stone seats while smoking and others practicing some maneuvers around several metal barrels while waiting for us to arrive.

Mason: - What's up, you bastards! - He shouted when he saw us coming. - Ready to die?

Justin: - Only if we are to die laughing at how bad you are!

Mason: - I want to hear you say that after we win this rematch...

Justin: - Pfff... Keep dreaming.

After that, Justin approached Mason and went on to what really matters.

Justin: - So, man. How will it be this time? The same thing as always or do you wanna change?

Mason: - Last year everything went to shit, man... I don't want to repeat that again.

Justin: - Yeah, you lost that rematch real badly. And you guys still placed a bet on an entire weed stock, man... What a waste.

Josh's thought: Wait... Did Justin's group win a rematch against Mason's group once?! Why didn't he say anything?! I thought this was the first time he was fighting for a rematch in which he was winning! Seems that not all things have been difficult in the past.

Justin: - But hey, how will this thing be? Tell us!

Mason: - Here's the thing: We're going to do a simple normal rematch the way it always is. I won't make things up this time.

Justin: - Okay, we're ready for anything! - He shouted as he looked at me. - We have our secret weapon!

Mason: - BUT...

After Mason said that word, I was able to predict that he would place a condition that would screw up our entire scheme. In other words, the shit hit the fan.

Mason: - You will have to leave Josh last.

Justin: - Wait, how is it?!

Amelia: - Are you serious?!

Dwight: - Damn, just because he's the best of us?!

Noah: - For fuck's sake...

Justin: - Dude, you don't have the right to demand the rules around here. We won the first round!

Mason: - Sorry, Justin... - He said when picking up his skateboard from the floor. - You either follow the rules or no rematch. That's how things work around here.

After that, Justin started looking for any argument that would change Mason's proposal.

Justin: - But if you don't have the rematch, you still lose the championship! You know that, right?

Mason: - Maybe... But with that, you wouldn't have a chance to earn an even bigger reward than just drugs and drinks...

Justin: - And what would that reward be?

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