A Quick Game with the Girls

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Classroom - 06:05 pm

Josh's P.O.V

Josh: - Tell me something. Why do we have class at this time of day?

Rachel: - Every week the coordinators choose a day to be the day of overtime, that is, a day with an extra class in the late afternoon. But only once a week, of course.

Josh: - Hm... So let me get this straight. Will there always be that boring extra class day every week?

Rachel: - Basically.

Josh: - Damn.

As soon as we passed through the hallways, Rachel and I headed to a specific classroom and found it full of people.

Keaton: - Oh, come in! You two arrived just in time!

Rachel: - Hey, Mr. Keaton.

Keaton: - Miss Amber, it's a pleasure to have you with us here today. Please, both of you have a seat.

In the midst of that crowd, I could see Victoria starting her series of angry faces against Rachel. It's so weird to know that she's so jealous of her. Which is strange since Victoria seems to be the kind of girl who has everything she wants.

Keaton: - Right, I want everyone to circle the room! We're gonna start a new debate on the topic: society.

Then all the students took their chairs and placed them in a circle.

Keaton: - Right! - He said with his notebook and pen in hand. - We'll start with you, Miss Ward. Tell us: what is society for you?

Dana: - Well, Mr. Keaton... Society for me is something on which we depend a lot to survive because we all need to learn to adapt and live with other people. Society is something we need. It's something that moves us.

Keaton: - Hm... Your point of view is interesting. Very interesting indeed! - He said as he took some notes in his notebook.

As we were at the end of the circle, it would probably take a long time for my turn. So I started to space-out. I looked at the ceiling, at the objects, at the window and at Rachel who was sitting next to me. It's amazing how I managed to make friends with the most popular girl at this school in such a short time.

>> Some time later >>

Rachel: - ...and that's basically what I think about today's society.

Keaton: - Impressive as always, Miss Amber! Splendid! - He said making some notes in his notebook again.

Once again Victoria looked at Rachel with that deadly look. If she hates her that much, why doesn't she just admit it? So jealous, huh?

Keaton: - Ok. Next!

Shit. It's my turn to speak now, isn't it?

With extreme difficulty, Keaton watched my name on the list of students and looked back at me.

Keaton: - "Joss" Stones. Am I right?

Josh: - It's Josh.

Keaton: - Oh, yes! I'm sorry. I'm not with my glasses, as you can see.

Josh: - Yeah.

Keaton: - So! Mr. Josh Stones. Give us your point of view on today's society. What do you think of people? Tell us everything!

As soon as I heard that, I rolled my eyes and sighed.

Josh: - What do I think of society? - I said with a slight laugh. - I don't know. I could just say it is too arrogant. Too hypocritical. Or I could just tell a bunch of lies here that everyone knows isn't true. It's kinda funny, you know? The way people treat others with ridiculous and unnecessary comments pretending to be just their own opinion. The way people judge others in order to make them give up their own lives. How people pretend to be happy when most of them are dying inside. The world itself is a great farce. But this is nothing new, we all know why. We're all cowards who can't stand to see other people better than ourselves. And one day all of this will destroy us.

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