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By October, the air was colder and the news about me and Harry had spread to everyone. But our relationship faded off peoples' minds as the Triwizard Tournament approached. Everyone was ecstatic about the up coming events and to see new people around the schools. Soon the Goblet of Fire was up and everyone seventeen and older was dropping their name into its blue flame. On the day of the results, I sat next to Hermione, Ron, Harry, Ginny, and Neville, waiting to hear who would participate. 

Dumbledore stood by the climbing flame as it spit out the names of the participants. Once the final name had been called, the goblet spit out one more burned name. Dumbledore grabbed the descending piece of paper. The whole room was quite. 

"Who could it be?" Hermione murmured under her breath.

Dumbledore stared blankly at the paper. "Harry Potter," his voice cracked. He had said it loudly but with worry in his tone. My heart sank. Harry sat motionless. Ron couldn't even look at him. Hermione pushed Harry. 

"You have to go," Hermione said.

"Harry," I whispered. He looked at me and only me, not Hermione, not Ron, not Ginny, or Dumbledore, just me. It made me feel so special. But this was no time to think about my feelings for him or his feelings for me. "Harry, you have to go." He grabbed my hands but still looked at me. He finally nodded and then got up and walked to Dumbledore. We were all told to go back to our dormitories. 

"Isla, come on," Hermione said when she realized I was still fixed on Harry as he stood next to Dumbledore. "He'll be fine." She grabbed me and rushed me out. She lead me all the way back to the common room and sat me down by the fire. She sat next to me and gave me a hug. A long, deep, simple but meaningful hug. I don't think I'll ever forget it. 

"It's ok," she said, comforting me. "He'll be okay." She said it like she meant it, which reassured me. "Lets go to bed. We'll see him in the morning."

"Do you really think he will be okay?" I asked.

"I do," Hermione said. "And I'm not just saying that because I'm your best friend. I'm saying it because I really believe it's true."


As the yule ball arrived, we knew about the deal with Harry. He would participate in the events; no matter what. I was scared to death for him. I couldn't sleep thinking about it. 

I sat at breakfast nearly falling asleep.

"Rough night sleep?" Harry asked as he sat down next to Hermione, Ron, and I. 

"I can't sleep thinking about the Triwizard Tournament," I said.

"Oh Isla, don't worry. Please don't worry. It'll be fine," Harry explained. He kissed the top of my head and then started eating his breakfast.

"I'll try, but I don't think it's that easy," I said. "Ron?" He didn't look up. He was sitting moving his food across his plate. Every since Harry had been entered in the Tournament, he had been more quiet. 

"Ron?" Hermione nudged him. She brushed the hair out of his face. "Is this about Harry being in the Tournament?" Ron stayed quite.

"Ron?!" Harry exclaimed. "Is it?"

"Ron, you have no reason to be upset-" I started to say.

"Yes it is, okay?!" Ron hissed. "Why would you ever go and enter your name Harry? Don't you know you could be killed? Why wouldn't you tell me?" Ron was furious. His face was red and angry. "I thought you were my best friend."

"Why would you even think like that!" Harry yelled. "I didn't enter my name, I don't know who did, okay? It isn't my fault and if it was my choice, I wouldn't want to be apart of it. I'm aware of the danger Ron. I think about it all the time but there's nothing I can do. I have to do it." Harry sighed and realized he had stood up with frustration and sat back down. 

"Sure," Ron huffed. "You didn't do it on purpose."

"Ron stop! It wasn't his decision! Ron if you are best friends, you wouldn't accuse him for something he isn't in charge of! God Ron, it's worrying us enough thinking about the up coming challenges, of course you have to blame it on him," I yelled.

"Well maybe he should have told us he was doing it first!" Ron yelled. He stood up but Hermione pushed him back down.

"Ron, please," she said. 

"Ron I promise it wasn't on purpose," Harry said.

"Swear?" Ron asked.

"Of course," Harry said. "Why wouldn't I tell my partner in crime?" I laughed.

"On another note, are you excited for the yule ball?" I asked.

"Of course!" Hermione giggled.

"Hey, Mione, are you going with anyone to the ball?" Ron asked. "I asked a bunch of people but everyone said no so, you want to go with me?"

Hermione and I looked at each other. 

"Ron, I'll have you know, I already have a date to the ball," she said. 

"With who?" Ron asked.

"Frankly, it's none of your business but, Viktor," she said.

"Krum?!" Ron laughed.

"It's not funny nor a joke, Ron," I said. 

Hermione got up and walked out. 

"Come on Ron!" Harry said.

"I didn't know," Ron replied.

Harry and I got up and left. As we walked back to our dormitories Harry pulled me into an empty corridor. 

"Isla I'm not sure if this is implied but um- will you be my date to the yule ball?" Harry asked.

Finally! I was hoping he wasn't assuming I would go with him, even though of course I would say yes, but I really wanted to be asked to the ball. 

"Of course!" I replied. "I'd love to!" I placed a kiss on his cheek then we left the empty corridor with both of us in a big smile.

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