thirty two

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"Isla," Harry leaned closer to me to show me his potions book. I was working on the Draught of Living Death and struggling. "Someone marked up this book. It says it belongs to "The Half-Blood Prince"."

I looked up. "Have you shown that to Hermione?"

"Show me what?" Hermione pursed her lips and stared at us from across the table. Her potion looked worse than mine, and her hair was frizzy from the steam.

"Look at this potion book," Harry handed it to her.

Hermione acted like she had never seen the book before but glanced over at me. Hermione had shown me the book in fourth year and been spectacle about it. We never had found out who the Half-Blood Prince was, so she had shoved it to the back of the potions cupboard.

The class seemed to go on forever and my potion was just continuing to worsen. Harry's potion looked perfect when Slughorn called time.

Professor Slughorn took his time stirring and whiffing all the different potions students had created. He looked disappointed when he got to our table and saw how terribly Ron, Hermione, and I had done. He perked up when he got to Harry and patted him on the back.

"Harry, my boy! This is an incredible potion! You must have your mothers genes!"

"Or a book to help him cheat," I heard Hermione mumble to herself.

"Here is your reward, Harry," Slughorn handed Harry the small golden bottle of luck and dismissed the class.

"What are you going to use it for?" I asked while Harry, Ron, and I (Hermione had stomped off on her own) walked up from the dungeons.

"I'm not sure yet. Maybe for the Slytherin vs. Gryffindor game next weekend," Harry joked.

Ron stopped smiling. "If I make it on to the team, I'm going to mess up at tryouts. I know I will."

"I'm sure you'll make the team and do great Ron," Harry assured. "We still have plenty of time to train too."

The Gryffindor Quidditch team was having tryouts tonight and then would start training soon after. Harry was the new captain and was excited to finally be in charge. He decided that the team was going to train extra hard this season in hopes to win all their games.

"Do you mind if I come watch you practice on Friday?" I asked. "Hermione might join too."

"Not at all," Harry smiled. "I have Herbology next, anyone else?"


Even though it was the first week back, the teachers were not feeling gracious. They kept reminding students of the N.E.W.T exams and by Wednesday, I had to study for two exams that would take place next week, a two inch essay for Transfiguration, a diagram of the properties and uses of a Mimbulus Mimbletonia, and I needed to read the next two chapters of my potions book.

Tryouts for Gryffindor had gone well according to Harry and Ron. Harry felt confident in the new team. Hermione still wasn't talking to me much. When the boys were at practice, it left awkward time for me and Hermione since we would both sit in silence and study instead of our normal activities like gossiping or taking a walk.

While the boys were at their Wednesday practice, I sat in a comfortable scarlet chair by a fire in the common room. Hermione had gone to the library to work on Defense Against the Dark Arts homework. Being alone gave me time to think about Draco and Voldermort. I wanted to tell Harry the truth so badly, but I was scared that he would be in more danger if he knew. I often caught Draco staring at me during classes which made me feel more uncomfortable with the situation. He was making it so obvious and I knew for a fact that a few times, Hermione had noticed him staring. I was anxious to meet with him during the Hogsmede trip because I had no new updates and I hated the idea of lying to my friends and boyfriend to spend the day with Draco Malfoy.

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