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I awoke to the sound of humming by my bed. I rubbed my tired eyes and sat up.

"Oh good morning," said Hermione.

"Who was humming?" I groggily asked.

"Me," Hermione stated.

"You're in a cheerful mood," I laughed. 

"Yeah, this is a great book," she held up the deep velvet purple book she was reading. "Well how was your night with Draco?"

"Oh it was-" I stopped. My face drained of color and my smile disappeared. 

"Isla?" Hermione asked. I was frozen. "Isla!"

"Hermione," I turned to her. "Crap! I forgot! I was exhausted and I fell asleep! I guess my alarm never went off and I- I missed it. He is going to be so mad! Hermione I messed up, help me."

"Isla, I would have woken you up but you never told me when you were meeting. I should have asked you!" Hermione scolded herself.

"It isn't your fault, Hermione," I sighed. "I just need to talk to him." I got up and started walking out of the dorm.

"Are you going to get changed?" Hermione asked.

"I'm going right after I get ready," I said, running to the bathroom. 



I scanned the Great Hall when I arrived for my breakfast, extra early, for a certain blonde haired boy. I spotted him sitting by himself at one of the long Slytherin tables. I rushed over and sat across from him.

"Draco?" I quietly questioned.

He looked up then looked away. "Leave."

"Draco, please." I lifted his head up so he would look at me. He pushed my hand away. "Draco, I'm so sorry. I was so tired so I fell asleep. My alarm never went off and I- I never showed."

"Yeah I know. I was sitting in their for half an hour," he spit. I cringed at how badly I had messed up.

I buried my head in my palm. "God, I'm so sorry. I truly am. It will never happen again. What you were going to tell me yesterday, tell me know. Or tell me tonight!"

"Forget it," he scowled. 

"I messed up, I get it. Can we not move on? I told you I was upset and sorry!" I begged.

"It doesn't matter anymore!" he stood up with anger. "Stay away from me." he stormed out of the hall, leaving me alone at the Slytherin table. What had I done?

I felt a warm tear roll down my cheek. He was Draco Malfoy. I was supposed to hate him but yet, I was crying for him. I could tell I hurt him but I felt more hurt for some reason. It felt weird, knowing he wasn't going to be apart of my life for a while. Or ever again. I didn't love Draco Malfoy. I loved Harry Potter. But I did fell something for Draco because I was sitting in a puddle of tears for him. But why did I? And what did I feel for him? Friendship? Or something more- no, friendship. 

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