twenty seven

21 5 11

When we finally arrived at Kings Cross, the sun was setting into the late afternoon. I had reunited with the trio but they wouldn't tell me what they had been talking about. 

"I'm spending the summer holiday with my family this year," Hermione said as she spotted her parents shocked expressions- still not used to the wizarding world. "I'll see you soon Isla!"

"I'll be with the Weasleys," Harry said. 

"Come  on Harry, I see my mum!" Ron said. "See you in a few months. Oh, and mum always says you're welcome to come over anytime, Isla. Or Hermione."

I waved Ron and Hermione off but Harry stayed by me. "See them yet?" he asked, looking around the platform. 

"No, but I don't think they know how to get onto the platform, they are probably in the parking lot. Go on Harry, you shouldn't keep the Weasleys waiting."

"Promise me you'll write?" he said. 


"And I hope I'll see you during the holiday. I'd love to see the house!"

"I'm sure you're welcome to come," I reassured. Harry planted a soft kiss on my forehead and pulled me into a hug. Over his shoulder I could see George and Fred making out with their own arms, directed at us. Mrs. Weasley was hitting them with her purse to make them stop. 

"Something wrong?" Harry asked.

"Fred and George," I groaned. "But I should go. I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you more," Harry sighed. I squeezed his hand and then went through the wall barrier. 

My parents were on the other side, looking around confusedly. "Mom! Dad!" I embraced them in a long hug and took in their familiar scents- flowers and cedar. 

"We've missed you Island," my dad said.

"I've missed you more! So many things have happened this year, so much to tell you. But I am most excited to see the house!"


The car ride was fairly long and I wished I could use my magic to speed it up. Never the less, we stopped when we got to a small green cottage, tucked away by trees and landscape.

"This is it," my mom smiled. The house was pretty small inside, but large enough for all of us to fit in it. Their was a delicate kitchen and living area. There were three bedrooms, one for my parents, one for me, a guest room, and two baths. My favorite part of the house was the sunroom, filled with plants the past owner had left. The sun rays gleamed through the many windows around the room and there were plush chairs and a couch to sit on. 

The house was open and fresh. I loved it more then words could describe. 


Dearest Isla,

I miss you already. How is the house?




The house is stunning! I adore it. I miss you too so I have asked my parents if we could have you, Ron, and Mione over for a dinner. 

It's on Saturday, you have the address.

Hope to see you there,




I'd love to come! I'll see you there! It is far from my house though, is there a place for me to spend the night? No worries if not.

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