twenty four

32 5 16

"I'm not sure if we should do anything crazy Harry. We barley escaped Filch and Snape-" I started. Foot steps echoed from the staircase right below the one we were standing on.

"We need to go," Harry said. He grabbed my hand and we ran up the next staircases till we reach the Fat Lady painting. I whispered the password and we slid in.

"What are you two doing?" Ginny said from the couch. She was reading a book and her face was lit by the firelight.

"Someone was following us on the stairs," I explained.

"Oh relax! It was probably some trouble maker-" As Ginny was rolling her eyes, the portrait hole flew open and Hermione stormed in.

"How dare you run away from me and leave me to fight off Filch and Snape!" she shouted.

"That was you?" Harry asked.

"Yes! I went to make sure Isla was alright but Snape and Filch were guarding the way out! Then I heard you two on the stairs."

"We couldn't see you. I figured you were a furious Snape," I chucked.

"Well it wasn't very funny! You know I can't run. And Ginny, what are you doing up?" Hermione questioned.

"I invited some other houses to our common room," she said, looking at her book.

"You mean a party?" I asked.

"We know you hate parties Isla!" Hermione said. "Well which house? And how many people?"

"All the houses, and all the people."

Hermione's mouth fell open. "It's one in the morning and you are inviting all the houses to come have a party here?!"

"The party actually starts at one fifteen," Ginny said. "Besides, it'll be fun!"

"I am going to bed," I huffed.

"I am going to go wake up Ron!" Harry exclaimed.

"I guess I'll wake up Lavender," Hermione said, heading to the dorms.

"You guys are going to attend?!" I exclaimed.

"Why not?" Harry shrugged.

"Ridiculous," I murmured, and went to the dorm and closed the scarlet curtains of the four post bed.



I woke up to the throbbing sound of music and cheers. I covered my head under the pillow. I didn't have anything against parties, it was just that every time one happened, something bad happened. Probably because Malfoy was always there. The door opened to the room and the outside screams and music filled in. I poked my head out of the curtain and saw Hermione coming in with Ron. I quickly shut the curtains and pretended I was asleep.

"So you wanted to talk to me?" I heard Hermione say.

"Yeah... is anyone in here?" Ron asked.

"Just Isla, but she is dead asleep."

"Right, well I just wondered if you- erm maybe-" Ron was cut off by the sound of the door opening again and Lavender running in.

"Ron! Everyone is asking for you! Come on!" I heard Lavender exclaim. I looked through the crack in the curtain and watched Lavender drag Ron out of the room. Once the door was shut again, I stepped out of bed.

"I thought you were asleep!" Hermione said.

"And I thought you had a shot," I said, sitting next to her on her own bed.

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