And that day was today.

"I know, T. I know. We really messed up. The CIA wants to extradite us from Interpol now. MI6 also wants to convict us. Everyone wants a piece of the meat." He laughed lightly.

This wasn't a joke. Tawfiq was angry and here he was joking with something so serious.

"This isn't funny, Dean. You could get the capital punishment." Tawfiq said to him.
"And if they don't kill you, you'll be in jail for the rest of your life, Dean. Your children..."

"That's why I called you. Bella and I want you to take them from the US to your place. They haven't yet made our arrest public but when they do, we don't want the kids to know. Nick is old enough to understand everything and we don't want that. So please do this for me. I know I'm asking for much but please keep my children save. Nick and Arthur are everything to us. Please."

Tawfiq didn't say anything.

"Have you ever killed an innocent person before?" He finally asked the one crucial question.

"No. I may not be the holiest and I take death for granted but I'd never take an innocent life. Neither would Bella. Everyone we kill, has killed before. Or has done other worse things. I know it's not right being the judge, jury and executioner but that's what we are. That's just our job." Dean explained.

"Where are you now?" Tawfiq asked.

"We are in Amsterdam Interpol division. They're sending us to their headquarters in Lyon, France in a while. We were just given time to call our lawyer before we leave."

"And you used that chance to ask me to take care of your kids." Tawfiq sighed.

This was so so very messed up.

But one thing was certain. As long as he believed Dean had never hurt an innocent soul, he'd do everything in his power to help him. And frankly speaking, if he had hurt an innocent person, Tawfiq knew he'd still help him. Maybe it wasn't right but Dean was more than a brother to him. He'd do anything to help him.

"I'll get them to the UAE as soon as possible. And Dean."


"I'll get you out. One way or the other." Tawfiq promised.

And he would.

Tawfiq wouldn't allow his best friend be killed. And he'd do his full best to prevent any life sentence. Worst case scenario for him was a decade and a half behind bars and definitely with a chance of parole after going through more than half their sentence.
And that was the worst case. The best case was they'd go free. He had doubts though.

Tawfiq however brought Nick and Arthur to the UAE the very next day as Dean wanted.

There were more than 30 countries who one way or the other wanted to prosecute Dean and Bella.

It was going to be a really bad time.

Tawfiq had less and less sleep each day. He had to meet up personally with so many presidents and heads of security agencies in a short period. Sometimes he'd go through 5 countries in 3 days. Resting only when he was in the plane.

After an excruciating month, he was finally able to get most of the countries to not prosecute. But they still wanted justice to be served for them. It was just Italy and the US who weren't ready to back off. Italy wanted the death penalty. And the US wanted the life sentence.
Tawfiq wanted neither.

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