D9 Female - Octavia Kingston - Task 3 [_Blackcat_13]

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Octavia woke up in a dimmly lit room she didn't remember falling asleep in. Octavia thought it about it for a moment and realized she didn't remember Jasper or Eileen relieving her of her gaurd duty. She searched with her green eyes for her two allies, but she came to the conclusion that they were in rooms of thier own.
  A table in the middle caught her curiosity. She stood up walking towards it, it was a small round glass table, with black metal legs. The glass was intricately carved with a raven, which made Octavia gasp as it was the raven she wore around her neck. There was other thing that caught Octavia off guard, a small hunting knife sat on the edge, just waiting to be picked up.
  "Beautiful isn't it?" A voice spoke from the darkness.  Octavia grabbed the small hunting knife, and turned on Occisora.
  "Occisora, come to play your own horrible game?" Octavia asked, as she glared at the head gamemaker.
  "Let me think here you are from... District 8?" Octavia said nothing as Occisora continued "Oh no you are the girl from District 9... I believe the name was kings?"
  "What are you doing here?" Octavia asked an edge in her voice.
  "Oh I know it was Octavia Kingston." Occisora gave a small cruel smile. "It seems I have forgotten about you already, yet you aren't even dead."
  "You've forgotten about me?" Octavia gives a short laugh "Yet that table has the raven I wear around my neck etched into it?"
  "Oh please I could have that pulled up on a screen since it is your token." Occisora snorts, "You are nothing, just a scared little girl.  You're too weak to kill anyone, and soon you'll be dead, long forgotten. I bid you farewell."
  Octavia stalked up to Occisora without a thought. "You think I'm weak, well I think I'm playing smart. Keeping low, keeping out of your sight." Occisora just laughed, making Octavia's blood boil. Octavia laid the knife against her skin.
"You know you want to." Occisora spoke quietly, a gleam coming to her eyes. "What are you waiting for?"
  Octavia stares at the knife, her hand trembling. She could make Occisora bleed, Octavia could kill her. She caught the gleam in the gamemaker's cold eyes, and pulled away.
  "My fight is not with you." Octavia said. She clutches the knife tightly. "You are only a lackey. A dog of the President's. The Capitol play thier own games, but not everyone realizes it."
  "Are you refusing to kill me?" Occisora asked, a bit indignantly.
  "That's exactly what I am doing. You are, but a messenger." Octavia replied, "but you should know to never underestimate what others may consider weaknesses." With that Octavia threw the knife down and backed away from Occisora who stood.
  "You may choose three." Occisora snaps her fingers and Peacekeepers come in with an assortment of weapons.  Octavia looks at them, studying them. They were all knives, sickles, and Scythes. Octavia chose a sturdy sickle, along with two throwing knives. Once she'd chosen, she felt a small sting in her neck and her world went black.

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