D7 Male - Miles Wilson - Task 2 [TeamQuirky]

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Miles undressed for bed, thinking. The way the other Gamemakers acted around Occisora made him think they were afraid of her. But he could not think how people could be afraid of this woman after the kind words she had spoken at the feast. To Miles she seemed genuine.

A knock at the door interrupted his thoughts. Sally poked her head round the door just as Miles climbed into bed. Sally skipped over to his bed and crawled in with him.

“How you doing, Mile?” she asked. She curled up next to him, her head on his chest.

“I'm okay, Sal,” he sighed. He stoked her hair as they lay in silence for a while. There was another knock on the door. Howey and Rodney stood in the doorway.

“Can we come in?” Howey asked, uncertainly as Rodney bounded in. Miles snickered. “You would even if I said no.”

Rodney snorted and let himself fall onto Miles' bed. Howey came to sit on the corner.

“How you holding up?” he asked, his voice breaking. Miles sat up and pulled his friend onto the bed.

“Come here you big softy. The question is, how are you holding up.”

Howey tucked his feet under him and played with a hole in his sock.

“You do realise Miles is going into the Games not you, right?” Rodney said, pushing Howey. A tear rolled down Howey's cheek.

“I know,” he sniffed, “I just wish I'd volunteered.” Tears were streaming freely down his face now and he was having a hard time speaking.

“Don't say that, How,” Miles muttered, embracing him.

“P... people n...need you, Mile. You h...have your parents and s...Sally. N... no one would m...miss me,” he sobbed.

“That's not true,” Miles gasped, “You have your parents and Missy.”

“Missy could use your help more than mine. If it weren't for you I'd probably be dead three times over by now. We need you. I need you.”

“Where is this coming from?” Miles looked at Rodney as Howey continued to sob into his shirt. Rodney shrugged.

“You're my best friend, Mile. With you around things seem less scary,” Howey moaned. Rodney was looking around the room doing everything he could not to look at his two best friends. Sally softly stroked Howey's arm.

“What are you talking about?” Miles murmured, after a long pause.

“I'm scared of heights!” Howey shrieked, “and spiders, and small spaces, and trees falling on me.”

Miles did not know what to do with this so he patted Howey's head tentatively for a while. Rodney was biting back a laugh still looking anywhere but at the other boys.

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