D11 Female - Evelyn (Eve) Jenson [Mormon4life] Task 1

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"Where is everyone?" I whispered to the peacekeeper standing by the door.
   He didn't say anything at first. After a few painful minutes, he spoke, "No one has come."
   My eyes widened. Sure, I would never expect Dusk or Father to come see me, but I thought Twilight would come for sure, maybe even Mom.
   It was a few more endless minutes until he spoke again. "Come with me." He boomed.
   I stood up and followed him, my knees shaking.
   I need Twilight. I can't do this with out her! Why didn't she come see me?
   I was so wrapped up in my thoughts, that I didn't notice anything until reaching the train platform. It was empty and bare.
   My eyes teared up. Was this some kind if sign? Something telling me I was doomed to die alone?
   As soon as I stepped on the train, those thoughts raced from my mind.
   "Twilight!" I shrieked, as I ran over to her, enveloping her in my arms. "I thought you had abandoned me." I whispered.
   "I will never." She whispered back.
   I soon let go of her, turning towards our parents. After giving my mom a hug, I turned to my father, not saying a word.
   He stared. I stared. We both stared, until he muttered, "Fine." Speaking up, he said, "We are coming with you to the capital." Eyes wide, I nodded my head.
   I turned away, walking towards Twilight, when something ran into me. Looking up, I saw it was Dawn. Wrapping me in her arms, she cried, "I wish I was younger. I wish I could volunteer for you!"
   "No. I wouldn't let you." I whispered.
   "You wouldn't have a choice. Besides, Dusk should've."

"You know she hates me."
   She simply said, "Eve."
   After a moment of silence, I murmured, "Atleast she doesn't hate me as much as Adrian."
   At the sound her fiance's name, she let go of me, holding my shoulders.
   "You know I don't know why he does."
   Nodding, I turned towards Twilight once more, as the train rumbled forward.

   "Look at me!" Twilight cried, laughing. She spun in a circle, her dress spreading out around her. We have the same dress. It has long sleeves, and is form-fitting until the waist, where it spread out and hung loose until resting right on the floor. The only difference was that hers was covered in glitter.
   I'm not entirely sure how, but they made our pale skin and hair look flattering.
   Anyway, our entire family had gotten new, fancy capital clothes for a feast before the games start.
   Seriously, though. The capital's motto? Fatten them up before sending them to their doom.
   It took another half an hour, but we finally sat down at the feast. Twilight grabbed a plate and was about to stuff it with food, when President Occisora stood up.
   "My dear Tributes. Friends. Family." Twilight and I both looked at each other, as I poked her in the belly. She erupted in a fit of giggles, and everyone looked our way. President Occisora continued, saying,
   "We are gathered here to celebrate the lives of the brave people, many of who will, unfortunately, die." Yeah. Because of you! "Today we shall live." Not for long. "We shall cherish life." That you're about to take. "We shall cherish the company of those we love." Until you send us to our graves. "With good food and music I hope to make these last moments before the games pleasant moments." Make us happy until brutally murdering us! "I want you all to know I am not your enemy.” Yes! The woman in charge of the murdering is not our enemy! Oh joy!

She stares at us. Somehow, she does look beautiful. For once, she's not scary. We all know it's an act! Stop faking it!
   “I want to help you." By killing us? Thanks. A ton. "Every one of you." Yeah. Accent on the the ONE, cross out the EVERY, and she's not straight on lying to our faces. "And as a sign of my good will, the left-overs from this feast will be divided and bagged so that each of your family and friends will have food to take back to your District." How nice! 'Eat less to starve later!' "Now let's eat, drink an be merry." Of course. Be happy! Eat food! Then die a brutal, painful death! I just love this woman!

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