D3 Male - Jay Calder [Immortal-Lies]

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Name : Jay Calder

Age: 17

Gender: Male

District: 3

Reaped or volunteered : Jay was reaped, he stood up on the stage with his head held high as some people cheered at him for his bravery and strength. His reaction was not a gasp but he had almost stopped breathing once his name was called.

Appearance : Dirty blonde hair, green eyes, strong muscular arms and long legs (good for running)

Personality : Jays personally is kind yet brutal if you get on the wrong side of him. He has soft spots for weak people and his family, he loves technology and he loves to make new things especially weapons.

Does your character work well in groups or teams : yes, when Jay knows the group or team won't work he instantly goes away to another place to keep watch of them in some way. If they end up killing each other then Jay had obviously made the right choice.

Is your character trusting? Jay is a bit wary of people at first but then gets to know them more but if someone isn't as trusting as he thought or lies to him he would kill them and if they get away he will hunt them down.

Weapon of choice: Sword

Strengths :

knows when to kill, who to kill and why

Doesn't think twice

Makes sure he knows all the stats of the player before killing

Is good with a sword

Is good at swimming

He can kill smoothly


Horrible with other weapons except axe or sword

Can get too emotional at times.

Can get very irritated

Afraid of heights.

Friends and family: Jay only has a sister and a mother as his father died from a terrible accident. His best friend is Marina who is also tech savvy but is nervous about her actually loving him.

Person of most importance: His sister because she's the only one he really cares about.

Token : a golden necklace with a locket with a photo of his sister, mother, father and Marina. It has a green gem on the outside of the locket with patterns on the outside.

Occisora: "I cannot think of what to say about you. Let us see how you do in the arena. I care little about you so I will not try and keep you alive but neither will I try to kill you."

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