D9 Female - Octavia Kingston - Task 2 [_Blackcat_13]

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Octavia awoke to Bellamy staring at her with his pale blue eyes. He had come back to her room last night knowing he had asked too much.Octavia took a quick glance out the window to see it was still dark. "What time is it?" She asks
  "About 4 in the morning." He whispers. Octavia was not surprised as this was what time they normally awoke to go out in the fields. They never need an actual alarm thier minds and bodies just seemed to know.
  "Think Demetria is up?"
  "Probably not. She more than likely went back to sleep." Octavia sighed, Demetria could go to sleep anywhere and anytime, unlike Bellamy and Octavia. Once the two of them were up they couldn't to sleep until the sun had set again.
  A knock at Octavia's door made her jump. Her stylist walked in, clothes in hand. "Oh I'm sorry." He says quickly noticing Bellamy. Octavia begins to giggle and Bellamy stares at her dumbfounded. 
  "I was just leaving." Bellamy says. He gets up and walks into his room, closing the connecting door behind him.
  "It isn't what you think." She explains to her stylist still giggling. He only nods as he helps her get dressed and pulls her into a ponytail. He again decides to leave her pink streak hanging to the side.
  Octavia looks at herself the uniform was made of a light fabric. The pants were almost legging like, and the shirt was long sleeved. She walked out to the table, where Bellamy and Demetria already were. Bellamy and Demetria made her eat some fruit and toast saying she would need her strength. 
  Once finished all were led to a hovercraft, where they were taken to the entrance of the arena. Octavia looked at the tube, trying to keep calm.
  "Hey." Bellamy says, "You'll be fine. You're smart."
   "You know how to survive." Demetria tells as she gives Octavia a hug. 
  "Tell mom and dad I'm sorry." They nod, and she steps into thd tube. She watches them disappear as she is raised up into the arena.  She wipes her eyes, making sure there are no tears. She couldn't afford tears anymore.
  Once she reached the top Octavia took in the scene before her. They were in a room with one door and a button outside of it.  There was no cornocopia, how were they to get weapons and supplies? The clock ran down to zero too quickly for Octavia's liking. Everyone stepped off thier plates, the career pack ran to the door, studying it. One pressed the button, making the door open. Octavia saw another button and realization dawned on her. 
  She watched as the career holding the button outside let go, and waited. Finally after a few minutes the door reopened and he walked through to join the others.  Octavia knew then she would need at least one ally.
  She looked around, trying to find someone who might be willing to ally with her. A hand on her shoulder made her jump, turning she saw the boy from the feast who had been watching her.
  "Looks like you could use an ally."  He says.
  "Looks like you have one though." She motions to the girl behind him.
  "Three is better than two." The girl says. "I'm Eileen District 8. This is Jasper, also district 8."
  "Octavia District 9." Octavia replies. "Who's going to stay out here? And who's going in?"
  "I'll go in." Jasper replies.
  "No. I don't trust you." Octavia says. Jasper seemed to be the least trusting of them all, and he might change his mind once in the other room.
  "I agree with Octavia." Eilleen says. They argue about it for a few more minutes, but Jasper finally concedes to press the first button.
  Octavia notices a few others arguing as they make thier way to the door. Jasper presses the button and the two girls go through. Octavia heads straight for the second button, but Eileen grabs her hand.
  "What if he turnns on us?" She asks.
  "We can't turn on him." Octavia replies, "at least not yet. We have to let him through."
  "Fine." Eileen lets go of Octavia's hand and Octavia presses the button.
  "Took you long enough." Jasper snaps as he enters.
  "Sorry complications with other tributes." Octavia lies. Eileen only nods, and they continue on thier way.

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