Scores Task 2

64 2 12

Okay, so, here are the scores for task 2, finally. I put them in the order I received them. I am going to upload the entries and just like with the last task you can vote for the ones you liked best. boost your score or that of those you liked. Beat the my unfair scoring!

Ki Jepto 9
That was very good. I thought the part in the games could have been a little bit longer but then I reached the end of the entry. You need to work a bit on the interactions between characters they seem a little off. But other than that very good job.

Seaver Parish 9
This is very well written. I agree it is a bit forced and hurried but with the page limit I do understand. Keep up the good work.

Jay Calder 8
I like your work. You are making Jay seem very human. The story does break up when you skip forward (if you know what I mean) Doing that once or twice to save space is no problem but I feel you did it a few too many times and it interrupted the flow of the story. Keep an eye on spelling and grammar.

Jet Flash 7
I really liked the part with Evie and the first part in the Arena had potential but the second part was disappointing. you were under the page limit so you could have added much more detail. This is rushed and not as good as you could do.

Tobias Haycraft 10
Very good. Good length and pacing. The characters interact well. A few spelling and grammar mistakes but good work.

Octavia Kingston 5
Very short. I was a little confused by the doors you described. I think you missed out the first door. If my descriptions are unclear to you don't be afraid to ask! plague me with questions until you understand and can describe it clearly.

Jasper Flint 4
This feel like the summary of the really story. it is too short! if you need more time to complete the task just ask. And by the way the Head Gamesmaker's name is Occisora.

Amabel Trython 7
Good writing. a little bit rushed. You can take more words to complete the task, the details make the story come alive.

Miles Wilson Extension

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